Modme Forums

Radiant stops responding upon loading a map to edit it

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant


Thread By: DarkCry9000
As the title says, my radiant stops responding all together when loading up my map. Very little has changed between last load and this one, no scripts have been changed, and I have tried back ups. I can't get it to open at all. Radiant black opens and looks like it's loading but the bar never moves. I get that sometimes it takes a while but it always shows what its working on or some progress, this has nothing. Ive left it for 30 mins and still no progress. Is this a memory leak or something or what could cause this? Anyone have something similair?


Reply By: Exofile
When you say <em>very little has changed between last load and this one </em>, what exactly is it you've changed?


Reply By: mathfag
maybe you have an empty prefab in your map (a prefab with nothing in it)


Reply By: DarkCry9000
When I say very little I mean all I really did was add some clip and a terrain patch. Also, to the other question, can an empty prefab cause this problem? I have tried loading a previous autosave up to a day before this problem even occurred yet it still does not work. I don't think it is something in the .map file?


Reply By: mathfag
a previous version won't help you if a empty prefab is in it. and yes empty prefabs crash your map