Modme Forums

[ BO3 ] Moon Barricade Models/Properties

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant


Thread By: AUsernameLz443
Is there anyway I can get the barricades from the map Moon? Or anyway to add more wood onto the window?
How can I prevent zombies from attacking you while they are still breaking a barrier?

How can I add a wall barricade ( Like in Verruckt & Natch Der Untoten)?

Or the rock barricade in Shang Ri La?

There are zombie riser locations, but are there any lower/fall locations? I'm tryning to make a zombie come from the roof head first ( Like In Shang Ri La )



Reply By: gorodkroviguy
hey im not too sure if this would help but makecents made something like this here: