Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant
Thread By: Vekah
I've played many maps where you can choose which doors to open first, so you could 2 ways around a map. All of the videos i have watched on zones only explain how to go from zone1 to zone2 and so on, not both ways.
So if there are three rooms connecting eachother, zone1, zone2 and zone3.
I will have the zone2 into zone3 setup for one door, but then if i go around the other way, how do i make it so you can from zone3 into zone2?
Thanks in advance!
Reply By: yologirlgamer
I had the same problem but it’s actually really simple! So for example.. say you have 3 lanes... put the middle one (zone1,zone2,zone3) and so on... and for example for the left side put (zone1,zone1_side,enter_zone1_side) and so on...(zone1_side2) same for the right but put something different like (right side)..then make the spawners (zone1_side_spawners) so whatever zone the path is leading from make sure you put that zone first so another example (zone3,zone3_side,enter_zone3_side) that’s how I’ve always done my zones anyway! I’d post my script but I’m currently at work hope this helps !! :)
Reply By: mathfag
copy or extend the trigger of the door to the other size of the door. All the kvps should be the same.
The target kvp will delete on the copied trigger so you need to reenter it
Reply By: Abnormal202
your basic zone code is like this:
zm_zonemgr::add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone", "zone1", "zone_start-1" );
the first two arguments being targetnames of zones, and the third being a flag. Basically whenever this flag is called it activates <strong>both</strong> zones. So it doesn't matter what zone goes first. Just have a line of code like this for everytime two zones are adjacent to one another and type the flag in as the "script_flag" on the door between them. It won't matter which direction players open the door from.
Reply By: Harry Bo21
copy or extend the trigger of the door to the other size of the door. All the kvps should be the same. The target kvp will delete on the copied trigger so you need to reenter it