Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant
Thread By: ii_R3cKY0urS3LF_x
I want to know if im able to make zombies wallrun on the wall with players and if they can still attack while wall running?? if so how?
Reply By: Abnormal202
I want to know if im able to make zombies wallrun on the wall with players and if they can still attack while wall running?? if so how?
Reply By: Fil he Modder
Export the npc wall run animations, turn it into a traversal. Can't be that hard
Reply By: Fil he Modder
Export the npc wall run animations, turn it into a traversal. Can't be that hard
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Fil he Modder
Export the npc wall run animations, turn it into a traversal. Can't be that hard
Reply By: Fil he Modder
What about the npc anim of when the player has fists instead of a weapon?
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Fil he Modder
What about the npc anim of when the player has fists instead of a weapon?
Reply By: Fil he Modder
Pretty much, i was really mainly talking about the wall running part of his question, i didn't really bother about pointing out the fact that they'd look like fully functioning humans in the process
Reply By: Fil he Modder
Well, a traversal probably may not allow the zombies to hit while wall running, but there may be a trigger on the wall that would allow the zombies to wall run and not be restricted to only walrun. It'd most likely be required for him make his own animation of a wall running zombie hit, but if he doesn't care too much, then he can just use the npc first punch anims
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Fil he Modder
Well, a traversal probably may not allow the zombies to hit while wall running, but there may be a trigger on the wall that would allow the zombies to wall run and not be restricted to only walrun. It'd most likely be required for him make his own animation of a wall running zombie hit, but if he doesn't care too much, then he can just use the npc first punch anims
Reply By: Uk_ViiPeR
There was an animation in BO1 i believe where the AI would run across the wall (like the matrix) which i used in my WAW map, this was the traverse GSC used...
#include animscripts\Utility;
#include animscripts\traverse\shared;
#using_animtree ("generic_human");
if( IsDefined( self.is_zombie ) && self.is_zombie && self.has_legs == true && self.type != "dog" )
else if( IsDefined( self.is_zombie ) && self.is_zombie && self.has_legs == false )
else if( self.type == "dog" )
dog_jump_up(96, 7);
traverseData = [];
traverseData[ "traverseAnim" ] = %ai_zombie_wall_run_A;
DoTraverse( traverseData );
traverseData = [];
traverseData[ "traverseAnim" ] = %ai_zombie_crawl_jump_up_2_climb;
DoTraverse( traverseData );