Modme Forums

How to select a huge amount of objects at once?

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant


Thread By: Runis
Is there a way to select a ton of brushes/whatever at the same time? I have a few map sections I want to put in prefabs but there is a bunch of cuts in brushes and I don't want to spend 20 mins selecting all of them and hope I don't press a button that deselects everything. Could I make a big brush and have everything inside it get selected?


Reply By: Wild

Is there a way to select a ton of brushes/whatever at the same time? I have a few map sections I want to put in prefabs but there is a bunch of cuts in brushes and I don't want to spend 20 mins selecting all of them and hope I don't press a button that deselects everything. Could I make a big brush and have everything inside it get selected?

Draw a brush around everything you want to select. With the brush still selected go to Selection -> Select -> Select Inside.

You can also just right click and then go Select -> Select Inside.