Modme Forums

Script for Skiping Rounds.

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: AA191
I'm in a bit of a pickle when it comes to testing round music after round 5. I'm not a big fan of waiting, so would anyone kindly enlighten me on a script or console command that will skip 5 or so rounds? Thank u


Reply By: natesmithzombies
1) Open mapname.gsc

2) Paste these functions at the bottom:

function advance_to_round()
	level.round_wait_func = &round_advance;

function round_advance()
	if( level.round_number == 5 ) // if you want to stop on round 6 put in 6 - 1 which is 5 
		level.round_wait_func = &zm::round_wait; 

3) Underneath:

function main()


level thread advance_to_round();

4) Compile and enjoy. Read my comment to adjust to your desired round