Modme Forums

scripting for a zm_mod

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: m1cke
What .gsc i need to add to change starting weapon on my mod

i've tried so mutch like the _clientids.gsc adding a script for the change weapon in another .gsc and


#using scripts\shared\flag_shared;

function giveweapon()

    startingWeapon = "mauser";
    weapon = getWeapon(startingWeapon);
    level.start_weapon = (weapon);

#using scripts\zm\giveweapon;
#using scripts\codescripts\struct;

#using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared;
#using scripts\shared\system_shared;

#insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh;

#namespace clientids;

REGISTER_SYSTEM( "clientids", &__init__, undefined )

function __init__()
callback::on_start_gametype( &init );
callback::on_connect( &on_player_connect );

function init()
// this is now handled in code ( not lan )
// see s_nextScriptClientId 
level.clientid = 0;
    level thread giveweapon::giveplayerweapon();


function on_player_connect()
level thread lots_o_points();
self.clientid = matchRecordNewPlayer( self );
if ( !isdefined( self.clientid ) || self.clientid == -1 )
self.clientid = level.clientid;
level.clientid++;// Is this safe? What if a server runs for a long time and many people join/leave



Reply By: Koan
Here is a guide in our Wiki explaining how to change your starting weapon.

Also, for future reference, please make sure you put all code in code tags, I've done it for you this time. Thanks.


Reply By: m1cke
you can se my function giveweapon i use the code on the wiki and i call it from init but it dosen't work


Reply By: DTZxPorter

m1ckeyou can se my function giveweapon i use the code on the wiki and i call it from init but it dosen't work

You should be calling it from where It says in the wiki, not some script you make.


Reply By: m1cke

m1ckeyou can se my function giveweapon i use the code on the wiki and i call it from init but it dosen't work

You should be calling it from where It says in the wiki, not some script you make.

okay porter so i call it from main?


Reply By: m1cke

function main( )

	//util::registerRoundLimit( minValue, maxValue )
	util::registerRoundLimit( 1, 1 );
	//util::registerTimeLimit( minValue, maxValue )
	util::registerTimeLimit( 0, 0 );
	//util::registerScoreLimit( minValue, maxValue )
	util::registerScoreLimit( 0, 0 );
	//util::registerRoundWinLimit( minValue, maxValue )
	util::registerRoundWinLimit( 0, 0 );
	//util::registerNumLives( minValue, maxValue )
	util::registerNumLives( 1, 1 );

    startingWeapon = "mauser";
    weapon = getWeapon(startingWeapon);
    level.start_weapon = (weapon);

	weapons::registerGrenadeLauncherDudDvar( level.gameType, 10, 0, 1440 );
	weapons::registerThrownGrenadeDudDvar( level.gameType, 0, 0, 1440 );
	weapons::registerKillstreakDelay( level.gameType, 0, 0, 1440 );

	globallogic::registerFriendlyFireDelay( level.gameType, 15, 0, 1440 );

	level.player_starting_points = 75000;
	level.takeLivesOnDeath = true;
	level.teamBased = true;
	level.disablePrematchMessages = true;	//NEW
	level.disableMomentum = true;			//NEW
	level.overrideTeamScore = false;
	level.overridePlayerScore = false;
	level.displayHalftimeText = false;
	level.displayRoundEndText = false;
	level.allowAnnouncer = false;
	//level.allowZmbAnnouncer = true;
	level.endGameOnScoreLimit = false;
	level.endGameOnTimeLimit = false;
	level.resetPlayerScoreEveryRound = true;
	level.doPrematch = false;
	level.noPersistence = true;
	level.cumulativeRoundScores = true;
	level.forceAutoAssign = true;
	level.dontShowEndReason = true;
	level.forceAllAllies = true;			//NEW
	level.allow_teamchange = false;
	SetDvar( "scr_disable_team_selection", 1 );
	//makeDvarServerInfo( "scr_disable_team_selection", 1 );
	SetDvar( "scr_disable_weapondrop", 1 );
	level.onStartGameType = &onStartGameType;
//	level.onSpawnPlayer = &onSpawnPlayer;
	level.onSpawnPlayer = &globallogic::blank;
	level.onSpawnPlayerUnified = &onSpawnPlayerUnified;
	level.onRoundEndGame = &onRoundEndGame;
	//level.giveCustomLoadout = &giveCustomLoadout;
	level.playerMaySpawn = &maySpawn;

	zm_utility::set_game_var("ZM_roundLimit", 1);
	zm_utility::set_game_var("ZM_scoreLimit", 1);

	zm_utility::set_game_var("_team1_num", 0);
	zm_utility::set_game_var("_team2_num", 0);
	map_name = level.script;

	//level.gamemode_match = spawnstruct();	

	mode = GetDvarString( "ui_gametype" );
	if((!isdefined(mode) || mode == "") && isdefined(level.default_game_mode))
		mode = level.default_game_mode;
	zm_utility::set_gamemode_var_once("mode", mode);
	zm_utility::set_game_var_once("side_selection", 1);
	location = level.default_start_location;
	zm_utility::set_gamemode_var_once("location", location);

	//* level.gamemode_match.num_rounds = GetDvarInt("zm_num_rounds");
	//level.gamemode_match.rounds = [];
	zm_utility::set_gamemode_var_once("randomize_mode", GetDvarInt("zm_rand_mode"));
	zm_utility::set_gamemode_var_once("randomize_location", GetDvarInt("zm_rand_loc"));
	zm_utility::set_gamemode_var_once("team_1_score", 0);
	zm_utility::set_gamemode_var_once("team_2_score", 0);
	zm_utility::set_gamemode_var_once("current_round", 0);
	zm_utility::set_gamemode_var_once("rules_read", false);
	zm_utility::set_game_var_once("switchedsides", false);
	gametype = GetDvarString("ui_gametype");
	game["dialog"]["gametype"] = gametype + "_start";
	game["dialog"]["gametype_hardcore"] = gametype + "_start";
	game["dialog"]["offense_obj"] = "generic_boost";
	game["dialog"]["defense_obj"] = "generic_boost";
	zm_utility::set_gamemode_var("pre_init_zombie_spawn_func", undefined);
	zm_utility::set_gamemode_var("post_init_zombie_spawn_func", undefined);
	zm_utility::set_gamemode_var("match_end_notify", undefined);
	zm_utility::set_gamemode_var("match_end_func", undefined);
	// Sets the scoreboard columns and determines with data is sent across the network
	setscoreboardcolumns( "score", "kills", "downs", "revives", "headshots" ); 
	callback::on_connect( &onPlayerConnect_check_for_hotjoin);
	// level thread module_hud_connecting();
	tempboxfix::init(  );

Im using zm_gametype main for the change starting weapon and change starting points for my gun mod


Reply By: Koan


Im using zm_gametype main for the change starting weapon and change starting points for my gun mod

No, that's wrong. Follow the tutorial properly.

In your mapname.gsc (for example zm_giant.gsc), find the line "zm_usermap::main();", then add the code provided underneath it.

You're calling it from some other main function. Nowhere in the tutorial does it ask you to do this.


Reply By: m1cke


Im using zm_gametype main for the change starting weapon and change starting points for my gun mod

No, that's wrong. Follow the tutorial properly.

In your mapname.gsc (for example zm_giant.gsc), find the line "zm_usermap::main();", then add the code provided underneath it.

You're calling it from some other main function. Nowhere in the tutorial does it ask you to do this.

I don't have a mapname.gsc becuse im making a mod so what .gsc should i use