Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: TheKillerey Hey I have a custom perk but I don't know on how to add the shader what I made to the map. Is is possible to create it like the banana colada shader?
Reply By: natesmithzombies The Banana Colada shader was done outside of the function in the original code that 3arc uses to set the shaders. Shaders are done via Lua in Bo3, which will never be given to us according to the devs (I was told in the Alpha group that we will never see the Lua from them). Until a hack/work around is made you will have to deal with stock perk shaders for the original perks
Reply By: TheKillerey Ohhh thats bad but can I add it like the hud textures. I have only 1 new perk
Does it take effect if I use this code and add it to the customperk.gsc?
I may have misunderstood you. Are you trying to display the hud for a custom perk that you created or are you trying to replace the original perk shaders?
Reply By: TheKillerey Yes I am trying to display the custom perk shader. I want to show that I bought this perk.