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Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: poyumaa
I cannot seem to get an elevator running on my map. I tried a few different things but none of them are working for me, I am not the most experienced scripter haha. I don't need any sounds or anything at the moment, I would like to try and get a platform to move and it says "Press F to activate lift". Thanks to anyone who can help me out!


Reply By: natesmithzombies
I dont have time atm to write something a bit more complete but here is an outline of what I would do:

1) place an array of script_brushmodels for your elevator and give them a particular targetname.

2) place a trigger use and set the hintstring and cursor hinto to NO_ICON

3) wait till the trigger is used

4) Move the array of script_brushmodels but be sure to SetMovingPlatformEnabled() on the script_brushmodels. MoveZ(distance, time) is also what you would want.

The things you are gonna have to consider are zombie pathing and players jumping off the elevator while it is in motion. It is nearly impossible to do this simply, as there are alot of things the user could do to glitch it out. I like elevators so I will get to making a proper script at some point, just dont have the time right now