Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: zomboassasin
Hey guys
Can someone please make a simple teleport script for me?
What i need is when the player falls/passes through a trigger it starts a timer
and when that timer ends i need it to teleport all the players in a specific area back to the spawn or a certain point.
Reply By: natesmithzombies
zomboassasinwhen that timer ends i need it to teleport all the players in a specific area back to the spawn or a certain point.
function trigger_timer()
trigger = GetEnt( "timer_trig", "targetname" );
trigger waittill( "trigger", player );
player thread timed_run();
function timed_run()
org = GetEnt( "timer_origin", "targetname" );
wait(30); // Change this to whatever you want
self SetOrigin( org.origin );
function main()
level thread trigger_timer();
Reply By: zomboassasin
Thanks it works perfectly!
Reply By: Blink-420
When I teleport back into an active zone my character bounces up and down rapidly and cant move for about 10 seconds :( The script_origin is placed in an open space above the ground
Reply By: zomboassasin
Blink-420When I teleport back into an active zone my character bounces up and down rapidly and cant move for about 10 seconds :( The script_origin is placed in an open space above the ground
Reply By: Blink-420
zomboassasinBlink-420When I teleport back into an active zone my character bounces up and down rapidly and cant move for about 10 seconds :( The script_origin is placed in an open space above the ground
That's because it will start the script every tick as long as your standing in the trigger. When you finally teleport after the amount of time you set all the other times the script was started are still trying to catch up. So basically it will teleport you there for however long you were in the trigger after the set amount of time.
In the example I am using this for the player falls through the trigger so he only hit it for a like half a second. So when i get teleported it works fine because it only teleports me there once. To fix it you would have to change the code so it only gets activated once or change the map so the player only is able to touch it for a brief amount of time.
Hope this helps