Modme Forums

Buyable JumpPads

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: ReKleSs
Hello I have normal jump pads, but i dont know how to do buyable jump pad, its when ui go to the jump pad i pay 3000 points and i jump to the other pad. Thanks =)


Reply By: natesmithzombies
What jump pad script are you using? I haven't messed with any yet but last I looked they need to be custom made. Chances are you got it from Redspace and he probably doesnt want his code public on the forum here if he shared it with you privately. If I know what script you are using I can modify it properly for you, but I definitely wont let others work be posted on here without the scripts authors consent.


Reply By: ReKleSs

natesmithzombiesWhat jump pad script are you using? I haven't messed with any yet but last I looked they need to be custom made. Chances are you got it from Redspace and he probably doesnt want his code public on the forum here if he shared it with you privately. If I know what script you are using I can modify it properly for you, but I definitely wont let others work be posted on here without the scripts authors consent.

#using scripts\codescripts\struct;

#using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared;
#using scripts\shared\flag_shared;
#using scripts\shared\system_shared;
#using scripts\shared\trigger_shared;

#using scripts\shared\util_shared;

#insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh;

#using scripts\zm\_util;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_audio;
#using scripts\zm\_zm;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_utility;

#namespace rs_o_jump_pad;

// Specific variables radiant will look for inside of script_string.
// These can be changed to whatever is the easiest to use.

// Default values for each specific setting for the jump pad.
#define DEF_JUMP_PAD_COST -1

#precache( "model", "tag_origin" );

#precache( "fx", "redspace/fx_launchpad_blue" );
#precache( "fx", "redspace/fx_launchpad_red" );

// todo add ability for one jump pad to deactivate another (or multiple) for a certain amount of time
// todo add customizable notifies for launch start and launch end

REGISTER_SYSTEM( "rs_o_jump_pad", &__init__, undefined )

/* ----------------- Redspace200 Jump Pad ----------------------

	RedSpace200: Entire Script
	Porter: Sounds & Idea
	3arc: Broken Scripts & files
Please give credit to redspace200 & porter if used in your map. 

Setup: Add prefab into map. Use configuration settings below to setup as you like

	#using scripts\_redspace\rs_o_jump_pad;
to mapName.gsc file

Add line to .zone file

--------------------- |||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------

Use included prefab OR manually setup with the settings below

	targetname = trig_jump_pad
	target = startptName
		Points to the starting point.
			Should be located directly in the center of the trigger_use
	Start_Point (Located right by trigger)
		targetname = startptName
			Start point name to reference
		target = entptName
			End Point to target
		script_string = specific settings for this particular launch pad
			Optional Settings
				time: Amount of time jump pad transition to end point will take
				zOffset: Vertical translation max height
				zPeakProgress: Percent of the transition where the player is at his maximum height
				cost: Amount this launch pad costs the player to use. Negative # means this will not cost the player and will be activated by touch.
				delay: Delay before the launch pad launches the player. Player may step off pad to avoid being launched. Stepping off a paid pad will cause the player to loose the money.
				cooldown: Amount of time a player has to wait before using this launch pad again
			Example Syntax (script_string = ) ---> time:4,zOffset:800,zPeakProgress:85,cost:500,delay:0.5
	End_Point (Located by end position. There can be a infinite # of end points, a random one will be chosen)
		targetname = entptName
			End point name to reference.

function __init__()
	level jump_pad_init();

function jump_pad_init()
	jump_pad_triggers = GetEntArray( "trig_jump_pad", "targetname" );
	if( !isdefined( jump_pad_triggers ) )
	for( i = 0; i < jump_pad_triggers.size; i++ )
		jump_pad_triggers[i].start = struct::get( jump_pad_triggers[i].target, "targetname" );
		jump_pad_triggers[i].destination = struct::get_array( jump_pad_triggers[i], "targetname" );
		padCost = DEF_JUMP_PAD_COST;
		padDelay = DEF_JUMP_PAD_DELAY;
		padCooldown = DEF_JUMP_PAD_COOLDOWN;
		input = jump_pad_triggers[i].script_string;
		if (input != "")
			input = strtok(input,",");
			for(j = 0; j < input.size; j++)
				varData = strtok(input[j],":");
				setVar = "";
				for(k = 0; k < values.size; k++)
					if (varData[0] == values[k])
							case 0: // Set Time
								padTime = float(varData[1]);
							case 1: // Set Z Offset
								padZOff = int(varData[1]);
							case 2: // Set Peak Progress
								padPeakProgress = int(varData[1]);
							case 3: // Set Cost
								padCost = int(varData[1]);
							case 4: // Set Pad Delay
								padDelay = float(varData[1]);
							case 5: // Set Pad Delay
								padCooldown = float(varData[1]);
		// Set the variable information collected to the jump pad trigger
		jump_pad_triggers[i].padTime = padTime;
		jump_pad_triggers[i].padZOffset = padZOff;
		jump_pad_triggers[i].padPeakProgress = padPeakProgress;
		jump_pad_triggers[i].padCost = padCost;
		jump_pad_triggers[i].padDelay = padDelay;
		jump_pad_triggers[i].padCooldown = padCooldown;
		jump_pad_triggers[i] thread jump_pad_fx();
		jump_pad_triggers[i] thread jump_pad_think();
function jump_pad_fx()
	self endon("destroyed");
	while( isdefined( self ) )
		fx = spawn("script_model",self.origin);
		fx setModel("tag_origin");
		self waittill("jump_pad_deactivate");
		fx delete();
		fx = spawn("script_model",self.origin);
		fx setModel("tag_origin");
		self waittill("jump_pad_activate");
		fx delete();
function jump_pad_think()
	self endon( "destroyed" );
	self jump_pad_hintstring();

	while( isdefined( self ) )
		wait .2;
		players = getPlayers();
		for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
			who = players[i];
			if (!self anyPlayerTouchingSelf() )
				self.touchingLaunchPad = undefined;

			if (!who isTouching(self) )
			if( IsPlayer( who ) && !isdefined(self.touchingLaunchPad) )
				if (self.padCost >= 0 && (!who useButtonPressed() || who.score < self.padCost) )
				if (self.padCost > 0)
					who.score -= self.padCost;
				if (self.padDelay > 0)
					who playSound("flinger_activate");
					self setHintString("");
					wait self.padDelay;
					self jump_pad_hintstring();
					if (!who isTouching(self) )

				start = self.start;
				time = self.padTime;
				zOffset = self.padZOffset;
				zPeakProgress = self.padPeakProgress;
				end = self.destination[ RandomInt( self.destination.size ) ];
				who thread rs_jumppad_launch(start.origin,time,zOffset,zPeakProgress,end.origin);
				self.touchingLaunchPad = true;
				if (self.padCooldown > 0)
					wait .5;
					self setHintString("Launch pad cooling down...");
					self notify("jump_pad_deactivate");
					wait self.padCooldown;
					self notify("jump_pad_activate");
					self jump_pad_hintstring();

function jump_pad_hintstring()
	self setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
	if (self.padCost >= 0)
		self SetHintString( "Press and Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 use Launch Pad. Cost[" + self.padCost + "]" );
		self setHintString("");

function anyPlayerTouchingSelf()
	players = getPlayers();
	for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
		if (players[i] isTouching(self) )
			return true;
	return false;

// Redspace200 jump pad launch function
// Launch the player from point A to B with a nice arc on the Z axis
function rs_jumppad_launch(start,time,zOffset,zPeakProgress,end)
	self notify("stop_player_out_of_playable_area_monitor");
	self.onLaunchPad = true;
	self notify("launchpad_start");
	level util::clientNotify("player_fling_blur_0");

	// Get starting location
	org = start;
	startX = org[0];
	startY = org[1];
	startZ = org[2];
	// Get ending location
	endOrg = end;
	byX = endOrg[0] - startX;
	byY = endOrg[1] - startY;
	byZ = endOrg[2] - startZ;
	totalTime = time; // Total animation duration in seconds
	currentTime = 0; // Elapsed time from the animation
	animProgress = 0; // Acutal animation progress / maxProgress. Must start at 0 for smooth animation.
	animMaxProgress = 100; // Maximum animation progress. Default to 100 for easy reference.
	animZPeak = zPeakProgress; // Percentage out of 100 before the animation Z starts to descend.
	zOffsetMax = zOffset; // Highest point of the animation Z.
	increments = .065; // Increments per frame. .065 Is a good number.
	ent = spawn("script_origin",self.origin);

	self playSound("flinger_fly");
	ent playLoopSound("flinger_wind_loop");
	wait .05;
	self playerLinkTo(ent);
	for(i = 0; i < totalTime; i+=increments)
		ent.angles = self.angles;
		animProgress = map(i,0,totalTime,0,animMaxProgress);
		// Normal delta speed from starting point to end point.
		// Input current animation frame number to get position.
		dx = linear(animProgress,0,byX,animMaxProgress+1);
		dy = linear(animProgress,0,byY,animMaxProgress+1);
		dz = linear(animProgress,0,byZ,animMaxProgress+1);
		addZ = 0;
		// Z Axis Arc / Offset
		if (animProgress < animZPeak)
			addZ = easeOutSine(animProgress,0,zOffsetMax,animMaxProgress - (animMaxProgress - animZPeak) );
			addZ = zOffsetMax - easeInSine(animProgress-animZPeak,0,zOffsetMax,animMaxProgress-animZPeak);

		x = startX + dx;
		y = startY + dy;
		z = startZ + dz + addZ;
		ent moveTo( (x,y,z), increments, 0 ,0);
		wait increments;
	self setOrigin(endOrg);
	earthQuake(.6, 3, self.origin, 200);
	level util::clientNotify("player_fling_blur_disable_0");
	self unlink();
	ent delete();
	self playSound("flinger_land");
	self thread zm::player_out_of_playable_area_monitor();
	self.onLaunchPad = undefined;
	self notify("launchpad_finish");

function linear(t,b,c,d)
	return c*t/(d-1) + b;

function easeInSine(t, b, c, d) 
	return -c * cos(toRadian(t/d * (Math_PI()/2) ) ) + c + b;

function easeOutSine(t, b, c, d)
	return c * sin(toRadian(t/d * (Math_PI()/2) ) ) + b;

function Math_PI()
	return 3.14159265359;

function toRadian(degree)
	return degree * (180 / Math_PI() );

function map(input,lower1,upper1,lower2,upper2)
	return ( (input-lower1)*(upper2-lower2) ) / (upper1-lower1) + lower2;

This is jump pad script from redspace i found it in this video.



Reply By: natesmithzombies
On line 32 you will see this:

#define DEF_JUMP_PAD_COST -1

Change it to:

#define DEF_JUMP_PAD_COST 1000 // cost is now 1000 

I haven't tested it myself but let me know how it goes


Reply By: Exofile

natesmithzombiesOn line 32 you will see this:

#define DEF_JUMP_PAD_COST -1

Change it to:

#define DEF_JUMP_PAD_COST 1000 // cost is now 1000 

I haven't tested it myself but let me know how it goes

Wait, -1?

Won't his script then award players 1 point, would it not be more clever to have the cost be 0? I'm asking as I'm not much for scripting, on the sideline.


Reply By: natesmithzombies

natesmithzombiesOn line 32 you will see this:

#define DEF_JUMP_PAD_COST -1

Change it to:

#define DEF_JUMP_PAD_COST 1000 // cost is now 1000 

I haven't tested it myself but let me know how it goes

Wait, -1?

Won't his script then award players 1 point, would it not be more clever to have the cost be 0? I'm asking as I'm not much for scripting, on the sideline.

No because either treyarch or redspace did a check later to ignore the cost in this logical statement:

if (self.padCost >= 0 && (!who useButtonPressed() || who.score < self.padCost) )

I thought it was rather interesting myself too


Reply By: ReKleSs

natesmithzombiesOn line 32 you will see this:

#define DEF_JUMP_PAD_COST -1

Change it to:

#define DEF_JUMP_PAD_COST 1000 // cost is now 1000 

I haven't tested it myself but let me know how it goes

Wait, -1?

Won't his script then award players 1 point, would it not be more clever to have the cost be 0? I'm asking as I'm not much for scripting, on the sideline.

No because either treyarch or redspace did a check later to ignore the cost in this logical statement:

if (self.padCost >= 0 && (!who useButtonPressed() || who.score < self.padCost) )

I thought it was rather interesting myself too

Thanks, All are working perfect.