Modme Forums

Killing all Zombies in other zones while in a certain Zone

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: AA191
In my map, I have a certain zone that zombies aren't supposed to get to. The idea is to kill all the zombies in previous zones if no players are in them. And just have them spawn in the certain zone. ie The PAP from Gorod.


Reply By: natesmithzombies
If you are trying to replicate the PaP from GK there is likely a better way to do it than checking if the zombies are touching the same zone as the player. For example, the zombie may spawn in an adjacent zone and not be in the playable area. I would do a check to see which players are teleporting to PaP and if all players are then kill the zombies and have them respawn in PaP.

This type of logic goes pretty in depth and it is gonna take more code than you think. What exactly are you trying to do?