Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: W33DKilla
I need someone that is a good scripter to give me a script that will make everyone in the game get a weapon of my choosing after shooting 3 objects around the map :)
Reply By: Abnormal202
I made this in a hurry and I haven't tested it yet, so there's a good chance something is wrong with it.
Open up your mapname.GSC and insert:
in your main function.
Then paste:
down at the bottom of the GSC.
Replace the INSERT_WEAPON_CODE_NAME_HERE with the codename of the weapon you want.
in Radiant make 3 script models of the thing you want the players to shoot at, and give them the KVP of Targetname: model_1, Targetname: model_2, and Targetname: model_3.
create 3 trigger_damage and put them around the models you made and give them the KVP of Targetname: trig_1, Targetname: trig_2, and Targetname: trig_3.
Make sure they are matching their respective models, so trig_1 is around model_1 and so on.
Then compile your map and link and you should be good!
Like I said I made this in a hurry, and am not quite sure how the GiveWeapon function works so let me know if this is broken and hopefully I can fix it.