Modme Forums

Remove damage by fall

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: ByKris
How can remove damage by fall?


Reply By: natesmithzombies
You need to override the stock player_damage_override function. To do so:

1) paste this at the bottom of your mapname.gsc

function player_damage_override( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, weapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime )
 iDamage = self check_player_damage_callbacks( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, weapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime );
 if( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_FALLING" ) // No Fall Damage
 return 0; 
 if( self.scene_takedamage === false )
 return 0;
 if ( IS_TRUE( self.use_adjusted_grenade_damage ) )
        self.use_adjusted_grenade_damage = undefined;
        if( ( > iDamage ) )
         return iDamage;

 if ( !iDamage )
 return 0;
 // WW (8/20/10) - Sledgehammer fix for Issue 43492. This should stop the player from taking any damage while in laststand
 if( self laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
 return 0;
 if ( isDefined( eInflictor ) )
 if ( IS_TRUE( eInflictor.water_damage ) )
 return 0;

 if ( isDefined( eAttacker ) )
 if( IS_EQUAL( eAttacker.owner, self ) ) 
 return 0;
 if( isDefined( self.ignoreAttacker ) && self.ignoreAttacker == eAttacker ) 
 return 0;
 // AR (5/30/12) - Stop Zombie players from damaging other Zombie players
 if ( IS_TRUE( self.is_zombie ) && IS_TRUE( eAttacker.is_zombie ) )
 return 0;
 if( (isDefined( eAttacker.is_zombie ) && eAttacker.is_zombie) )
 self.ignoreAttacker = eAttacker;
 self thread remove_ignore_attacker();

 if ( isdefined( eAttacker.custom_damage_func ) )
 iDamage = eAttacker [[ eAttacker.custom_damage_func ]]( self );
 eAttacker notify( "hit_player" ); 

 if ( isdefined( eAttacker ) && isdefined( eAttacker.func_mod_damage_override ) )
 sMeansOfDeath = eAttacker [[ eAttacker.func_mod_damage_override ]]( eInflictor, sMeansOfDeath, weapon );
 if( sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_FALLING" )
 self thread playSwipeSound( sMeansOfDeath, eattacker );
 if( IS_TRUE(eattacker.is_zombie) || IsPlayer(eAttacker) )
 self PlayRumbleOnEntity( "damage_heavy" );
 if( IS_TRUE(eattacker.is_zombie) )
 self zm_audio::create_and_play_dialog( "general", "attacked" );
 canExert = true;
 if ( IS_TRUE( level.pers_upgrade_flopper ) )
 // If the player has persistent flopper power, then no exert on explosion
 if ( IS_TRUE( self.pers_upgrades_awarded[ "flopper" ] ) )
 canExert = ( sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH" && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_GRENADE" && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" );
 if ( IS_TRUE( canExert ) )
    if(RandomIntRange(0,1) == 0 )
     self thread zm_audio::playerExert( "hitmed" );
        //self thread zm_audio::create_and_play_dialog( "general", "hitmed" );
     self thread zm_audio::playerExert( "hitlrg" );
        //self thread zm_audio::create_and_play_dialog( "general", "hitlrg" );
 //Audio(RG:2/1/2016) adding underwater drowning exert.
 if ( isDefined( sMeansOfDeath) && sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_DROWN")
 self thread zm_audio::playerExert( "drowning", true );
 self.voxDrowning = true;
 if( isdefined( level.perk_damage_override ) )
 foreach( func in level.perk_damage_override )
 n_damage = self [[ func ]]( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, weapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime );
 if( isdefined( n_damage ) )
 iDamage = n_damage; 
 finalDamage = iDamage;
 // claymores and freezegun shatters, like bouncing betties, harm no players
 if ( zm_utility::is_placeable_mine( weapon ) )
 return 0;

 if ( isDefined( self.player_damage_override ) )
 self thread [[ self.player_damage_override ]]( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, weapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime );
 if ( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_PROJECTILE" || sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH" || sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_GRENADE" || sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" || sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_EXPLOSIVE" )
 // player explosive splash damage (caps explosive damage), fixes raygun damage being fatal (or grenades) when damaging yourself
 if ( !IS_TRUE( self.is_zombie ) )
 // Don't do this for projectile damage coming from zombies
 if ( !isdefined( eAttacker ) || ( !IS_TRUE( eAttacker.is_zombie ) && !IS_TRUE( eAttacker.b_override_explosive_damage_cap ) ) )
 // Only do it for ray gun
 if( isdefined( && (( == "ray_gun") || ( == "ray_gun_upgraded" )) )
 // Clamp it, we don't want to increase the damage from player raygun splash damage or grenade splash damage
 // Don't create more damage than we are trying to apply
 if ( ( > 25 ) && ( iDamage > 25 ) )
 return 25;
 else if ( ( > 75 ) && ( iDamage > 75 ) )
 return 75;

 if( iDamage < )
 if ( IsDefined( eAttacker ) )
 if( IsDefined( level.custom_kill_damaged_VO ) )
 eAttacker thread [[ level.custom_kill_damaged_VO ]]( self );
 eAttacker.sound_damage_player = self; 
 if( IS_TRUE( eAttacker.missingLegs ) )
    self zm_audio::create_and_play_dialog( "general", "crawl_hit" );
 // MM (08/10/09)
 return finalDamage;
 //player died
 if( isdefined( eAttacker ) )
 if(isDefined(eAttacker.animname) && eAttacker.animname == "zombie_dog")
 self zm_stats::increment_client_stat( "killed_by_zdog" );
 self zm_stats::increment_player_stat( "killed_by_zdog" );
 else if(IS_TRUE(eAttacker.is_avogadro))
 self zm_stats::increment_client_stat( "killed_by_avogadro", false );
 self zm_stats::increment_player_stat( "killed_by_avogadro" );

 self thread clear_path_timers();
 if( level.intermission )
 level waittill( "forever" );
 // AR (3/7/12) - Keep track of which player killed player in Zombify modes like Cleansed / Turned
 // Confirmed with Alex 
 if ( level.scr_zm_ui_gametype == "zcleansed" && iDamage > 0 )
 if ( IsDefined( eAttacker ) && IsPlayer( eAttacker ) && != && ( ( !IS_TRUE( self.laststand ) && !self laststand::player_is_in_laststand() ) || !IsDefined( self.last_player_attacker ) ) )
 // Restore Health To Zombie Player
 if ( IsDefined( eAttacker.maxhealth ) && IS_TRUE( eAttacker.is_zombie ) )
 { = eAttacker.maxhealth;
 //self.last_player_attacker = eAttacker;

 if ( IsDefined( level.player_kills_player ) )
 self thread [[ level.player_kills_player]]( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, weapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime );
 if ( self.lives > 0 && self HasPerk( PERK_WHOSWHO ) )
 if ( IsDefined( level.whoswho_laststand_func ) )
 self thread [[ level.whoswho_laststand_func]]();
 return 0;
 players = GetPlayers();
 count = 0;
 for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
 if( players[i] == self || players[i].is_zombie || players[i] laststand::player_is_in_laststand() || players[i].sessionstate == "spectator" )
 if( count < players.size || (isDefined(level._game_module_game_end_check) && ![[level._game_module_game_end_check]]()) )
 if ( IsDefined( self.lives ) && self.lives > 0 && IS_TRUE( level.force_solo_quick_revive ) &&  self HasPerk( PERK_QUICK_REVIVE ) )
 self thread wait_and_revive();
 // MM (08/10/09)
 return finalDamage;
 // PORTIZ 7/27/16: added level.no_end_game_check here, because if it's true by this point, this function will end up returning finalDamage anyway. additionally, 
 // no_end_game_check has been updated to support incrementing/decrementing, which makes it more robust than a single level.check_end_solo_game_override as more
 // mechanics are introduced that require solo players to go into last stand instead of losing the game immediately
 if ( players.size == 1 && level flag::get( "solo_game" ) )
 if ( IS_TRUE( level.no_end_game_check ) || ( isdefined( level.check_end_solo_game_override ) && [[level.check_end_solo_game_override]]() ) )
 return finalDamage;
 else if ( self.lives == 0 || !self HasPerk( PERK_QUICK_REVIVE ) )
 self.intermission = true;
 // WW (01/05/11): When a two players enter a system link game and the client drops the host will be treated as if it was a solo game
 // when it wasn't. This led to SREs about undefined and int being compared on death (self.lives was never defined on the host). While
 // adding the check for the solo game flag we found that we would have to create a complex OR inside of the if check below. By breaking
 // the conditions out in to their own variables we keep the complexity without making it look like a mess.
 solo_death = ( players.size == 1 && level flag::get( "solo_game" ) && ( self.lives == 0  || !self HasPerk(PERK_QUICK_REVIVE) ) ); // there is only one player AND the flag is set AND self.lives equals 0
 non_solo_death = ( ( count > 1 || ( players.size == 1 && !level flag::get( "solo_game" ) ) ) /*&& !level.is_zombie_level*/ ); // the player size is greater than one OR ( players.size equals 1 AND solo flag isn't set ) AND not a zombify game level
 if ( (solo_death || non_solo_death) && !IS_TRUE(level.no_end_game_check ) ) // if only one player on their last life or any game that started with more than one player
 level notify("stop_suicide_trigger");
 self AllowProne( true ); //just in case
 self thread zm_laststand::PlayerLastStand( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, weapon, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime );
 if( !isdefined( vDir ) )
 vDir = ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
 self FakeDamageFrom(vDir);
 level notify("last_player_died");
 if ( isdefined(level.custom_player_fake_death) )
 self thread [[level.custom_player_fake_death]](vDir, sMeansOfDeath);
 self thread player_fake_death();

 if( count == players.size && !IS_TRUE( level.no_end_game_check ) )
 if ( players.size == 1 && level flag::get( "solo_game" ))
 if ( self.lives == 0 || !self HasPerk(PERK_QUICK_REVIVE) ) // && !self laststand::player_is_in_laststand()
 self.lives = 0;
 level notify("pre_end_game");
 if(level flag::get("dog_round"))
 increment_dog_round_stat( "lost" ); 
 level notify( "end_game" );
 return finalDamage;
 level notify("pre_end_game");
 if(level flag::get("dog_round"))
 increment_dog_round_stat( "lost" ); 
 level notify( "end_game" );
 return 0; // MM (09/16/09) Need to return something
 // MM (08/10/09)
 surface = "flesh";
 return finalDamage;

function no_fall_damage()
 level flag::wait_till( "all_players_connected" ); // wait some time to overwrite the original 
 level.overridePlayerDamage = &player_damage_override;

2) Place this in function main() of your mapname.gsc :

level thread no_fall_damage();

Edit: Something is pretty wacked out with the copy and paste of code. Here is the 2 functions in a paste link


Reply By: ByKris

natesmithzombiesYou need to override the stock player_damage_override function. To do so:

1) paste this at the bottom of your mapname.gsc

function player_damage_override( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, weapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime )
 iDamage = self check_player_damage_callbacks( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, weapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime );
 if( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_FALLING" ) // No Fall Damage
 return 0; 
 if( self.scene_takedamage === false )
 return 0;
 if ( IS_TRUE( self.use_adjusted_grenade_damage ) )
        self.use_adjusted_grenade_damage = undefined;
        if( ( > iDamage ) )
         return iDamage;

 if ( !iDamage )
 return 0;
 // WW (8/20/10) - Sledgehammer fix for Issue 43492. This should stop the player from taking any damage while in laststand
 if( self laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
 return 0;
 if ( isDefined( eInflictor ) )
 if ( IS_TRUE( eInflictor.water_damage ) )
 return 0;

 if ( isDefined( eAttacker ) )
 if( IS_EQUAL( eAttacker.owner, self ) ) 
 return 0;
 if( isDefined( self.ignoreAttacker ) && self.ignoreAttacker == eAttacker ) 
 return 0;
 // AR (5/30/12) - Stop Zombie players from damaging other Zombie players
 if ( IS_TRUE( self.is_zombie ) && IS_TRUE( eAttacker.is_zombie ) )
 return 0;
 if( (isDefined( eAttacker.is_zombie ) && eAttacker.is_zombie) )
 self.ignoreAttacker = eAttacker;
 self thread remove_ignore_attacker();

 if ( isdefined( eAttacker.custom_damage_func ) )
 iDamage = eAttacker [[ eAttacker.custom_damage_func ]]( self );
 eAttacker notify( "hit_player" ); 

 if ( isdefined( eAttacker ) && isdefined( eAttacker.func_mod_damage_override ) )
 sMeansOfDeath = eAttacker [[ eAttacker.func_mod_damage_override ]]( eInflictor, sMeansOfDeath, weapon );
 if( sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_FALLING" )
 self thread playSwipeSound( sMeansOfDeath, eattacker );
 if( IS_TRUE(eattacker.is_zombie) || IsPlayer(eAttacker) )
 self PlayRumbleOnEntity( "damage_heavy" );
 if( IS_TRUE(eattacker.is_zombie) )
 self zm_audio::create_and_play_dialog( "general", "attacked" );
 canExert = true;
 if ( IS_TRUE( level.pers_upgrade_flopper ) )
 // If the player has persistent flopper power, then no exert on explosion
 if ( IS_TRUE( self.pers_upgrades_awarded[ "flopper" ] ) )
 canExert = ( sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH" && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_GRENADE" && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" );
 if ( IS_TRUE( canExert ) )
    if(RandomIntRange(0,1) == 0 )
     self thread zm_audio::playerExert( "hitmed" );
        //self thread zm_audio::create_and_play_dialog( "general", "hitmed" );
     self thread zm_audio::playerExert( "hitlrg" );
        //self thread zm_audio::create_and_play_dialog( "general", "hitlrg" );
 //Audio(RG:2/1/2016) adding underwater drowning exert.
 if ( isDefined( sMeansOfDeath) && sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_DROWN")
 self thread zm_audio::playerExert( "drowning", true );
 self.voxDrowning = true;
 if( isdefined( level.perk_damage_override ) )
 foreach( func in level.perk_damage_override )
 n_damage = self [[ func ]]( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, weapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime );
 if( isdefined( n_damage ) )
 iDamage = n_damage; 
 finalDamage = iDamage;
 // claymores and freezegun shatters, like bouncing betties, harm no players
 if ( zm_utility::is_placeable_mine( weapon ) )
 return 0;

 if ( isDefined( self.player_damage_override ) )
 self thread [[ self.player_damage_override ]]( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, weapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime );
 if ( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_PROJECTILE" || sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH" || sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_GRENADE" || sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" || sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_EXPLOSIVE" )
 // player explosive splash damage (caps explosive damage), fixes raygun damage being fatal (or grenades) when damaging yourself
 if ( !IS_TRUE( self.is_zombie ) )
 // Don't do this for projectile damage coming from zombies
 if ( !isdefined( eAttacker ) || ( !IS_TRUE( eAttacker.is_zombie ) && !IS_TRUE( eAttacker.b_override_explosive_damage_cap ) ) )
 // Only do it for ray gun
 if( isdefined( && (( == "ray_gun") || ( == "ray_gun_upgraded" )) )
 // Clamp it, we don't want to increase the damage from player raygun splash damage or grenade splash damage
 // Don't create more damage than we are trying to apply
 if ( ( > 25 ) && ( iDamage > 25 ) )
 return 25;
 else if ( ( > 75 ) && ( iDamage > 75 ) )
 return 75;

 if( iDamage < )
 if ( IsDefined( eAttacker ) )
 if( IsDefined( level.custom_kill_damaged_VO ) )
 eAttacker thread [[ level.custom_kill_damaged_VO ]]( self );
 eAttacker.sound_damage_player = self; 
 if( IS_TRUE( eAttacker.missingLegs ) )
    self zm_audio::create_and_play_dialog( "general", "crawl_hit" );
 // MM (08/10/09)
 return finalDamage;
 //player died
 if( isdefined( eAttacker ) )
 if(isDefined(eAttacker.animname) && eAttacker.animname == "zombie_dog")
 self zm_stats::increment_client_stat( "killed_by_zdog" );
 self zm_stats::increment_player_stat( "killed_by_zdog" );
 else if(IS_TRUE(eAttacker.is_avogadro))
 self zm_stats::increment_client_stat( "killed_by_avogadro", false );
 self zm_stats::increment_player_stat( "killed_by_avogadro" );

 self thread clear_path_timers();
 if( level.intermission )
 level waittill( "forever" );
 // AR (3/7/12) - Keep track of which player killed player in Zombify modes like Cleansed / Turned
 // Confirmed with Alex 
 if ( level.scr_zm_ui_gametype == "zcleansed" && iDamage > 0 )
 if ( IsDefined( eAttacker ) && IsPlayer( eAttacker ) && != && ( ( !IS_TRUE( self.laststand ) && !self laststand::player_is_in_laststand() ) || !IsDefined( self.last_player_attacker ) ) )
 // Restore Health To Zombie Player
 if ( IsDefined( eAttacker.maxhealth ) && IS_TRUE( eAttacker.is_zombie ) )
 { = eAttacker.maxhealth;
 //self.last_player_attacker = eAttacker;

 if ( IsDefined( level.player_kills_player ) )
 self thread [[ level.player_kills_player]]( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, weapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime );
 if ( self.lives > 0 && self HasPerk( PERK_WHOSWHO ) )
 if ( IsDefined( level.whoswho_laststand_func ) )
 self thread [[ level.whoswho_laststand_func]]();
 return 0;
 players = GetPlayers();
 count = 0;
 for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
 if( players[i] == self || players[i].is_zombie || players[i] laststand::player_is_in_laststand() || players[i].sessionstate == "spectator" )
 if( count < players.size || (isDefined(level._game_module_game_end_check) && ![[level._game_module_game_end_check]]()) )
 if ( IsDefined( self.lives ) && self.lives > 0 && IS_TRUE( level.force_solo_quick_revive ) &&  self HasPerk( PERK_QUICK_REVIVE ) )
 self thread wait_and_revive();
 // MM (08/10/09)
 return finalDamage;
 // PORTIZ 7/27/16: added level.no_end_game_check here, because if it's true by this point, this function will end up returning finalDamage anyway. additionally, 
 // no_end_game_check has been updated to support incrementing/decrementing, which makes it more robust than a single level.check_end_solo_game_override as more
 // mechanics are introduced that require solo players to go into last stand instead of losing the game immediately
 if ( players.size == 1 && level flag::get( "solo_game" ) )
 if ( IS_TRUE( level.no_end_game_check ) || ( isdefined( level.check_end_solo_game_override ) && [[level.check_end_solo_game_override]]() ) )
 return finalDamage;
 else if ( self.lives == 0 || !self HasPerk( PERK_QUICK_REVIVE ) )
 self.intermission = true;
 // WW (01/05/11): When a two players enter a system link game and the client drops the host will be treated as if it was a solo game
 // when it wasn't. This led to SREs about undefined and int being compared on death (self.lives was never defined on the host). While
 // adding the check for the solo game flag we found that we would have to create a complex OR inside of the if check below. By breaking
 // the conditions out in to their own variables we keep the complexity without making it look like a mess.
 solo_death = ( players.size == 1 && level flag::get( "solo_game" ) && ( self.lives == 0  || !self HasPerk(PERK_QUICK_REVIVE) ) ); // there is only one player AND the flag is set AND self.lives equals 0
 non_solo_death = ( ( count > 1 || ( players.size == 1 && !level flag::get( "solo_game" ) ) ) /*&& !level.is_zombie_level*/ ); // the player size is greater than one OR ( players.size equals 1 AND solo flag isn't set ) AND not a zombify game level
 if ( (solo_death || non_solo_death) && !IS_TRUE(level.no_end_game_check ) ) // if only one player on their last life or any game that started with more than one player
 level notify("stop_suicide_trigger");
 self AllowProne( true ); //just in case
 self thread zm_laststand::PlayerLastStand( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, weapon, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime );
 if( !isdefined( vDir ) )
 vDir = ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
 self FakeDamageFrom(vDir);
 level notify("last_player_died");
 if ( isdefined(level.custom_player_fake_death) )
 self thread [[level.custom_player_fake_death]](vDir, sMeansOfDeath);
 self thread player_fake_death();

 if( count == players.size && !IS_TRUE( level.no_end_game_check ) )
 if ( players.size == 1 && level flag::get( "solo_game" ))
 if ( self.lives == 0 || !self HasPerk(PERK_QUICK_REVIVE) ) // && !self laststand::player_is_in_laststand()
 self.lives = 0;
 level notify("pre_end_game");
 if(level flag::get("dog_round"))
 increment_dog_round_stat( "lost" ); 
 level notify( "end_game" );
 return finalDamage;
 level notify("pre_end_game");
 if(level flag::get("dog_round"))
 increment_dog_round_stat( "lost" ); 
 level notify( "end_game" );
 return 0; // MM (09/16/09) Need to return something
 // MM (08/10/09)
 surface = "flesh";
 return finalDamage;

function no_fall_damage()
 level flag::wait_till( "all_players_connected" ); // wait some time to overwrite the original 
 level.overridePlayerDamage = &player_damage_override;

2) Place this in function main() of your mapname.gsc :

level thread no_fall_damage();

Edit: Something is pretty wacked out with the copy and paste of code. Here is the 2 functions in a paste link



^1ERR(6E) scripts/zm/zm_impossible.gsc (381,1) : Compiler Internal Error : Uninitialized local variable 'perk_whoswho'

By the way my character has 50 not 77 of life


Reply By: natesmithzombies



^1ERR(6E) scripts/zm/zm_impossible.gsc (381,1) : Compiler Internal Error : Uninitialized local variable 'perk_whoswho'

By the way my character has 50 not 77 of life

One/more of the .gsh files need to be included using the #include call in your mapname.gsc somewhere.


Reply By: ByKris



^1ERR(6E) scripts/zm/zm_impossible.gsc (381,1) : Compiler Internal Error : Uninitialized local variable 'perk_whoswho'

By the way my character has 50 not 77 of life

One/more of the .gsh files need to be included using the #include call in your mapname.gsc somewhere.

And what do i need include?


Reply By: natesmithzombies



^1ERR(6E) scripts/zm/zm_impossible.gsc (381,1) : Compiler Internal Error : Uninitialized local variable 'perk_whoswho'

By the way my character has 50 not 77 of life

One/more of the .gsh files need to be included using the #include call in your mapname.gsc somewhere.

And what do i need include?

At the top of your mapname.gsc add any of these that are missing:

#using scripts\codescripts\struct; #using scripts\shared\array_shared; #using scripts\shared\clientfield_shared; #using scripts\shared\system_shared; #using scripts\shared\util_shared; #using scripts\shared\visionset_mgr_shared; #using scripts\zm\_zm_score; #insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh; #insert scripts\shared\version.gsh; #using scripts\zm\_zm_audio; #using scripts\shared\flag_shared; #using scripts\shared\laststand_shared; #using scripts\zm\_zm_laststand; #using scripts\shared\ai\zombie_utility; #using scripts\zm\_util; #using scripts\zm\_zm_perks; #using scripts\zm\_zm_pers_upgrades; #using scripts\zm\_zm_pers_upgrades_functions; #using scripts\zm\_zm_pers_upgrades_system; #using scripts\zm\_zm_stats; #using scripts\zm\_zm_utility; #insert scripts\zm\_zm_perk_juggernaut.gsh; #insert scripts\zm\_zm_perks.gsh; #insert scripts\zm\_zm_utility.gsh; #insert scripts\shared\ai\zombie.gsh;


Reply By: ByKris



^1ERR(6E) scripts/zm/zm_impossible.gsc (381,1) : Compiler Internal Error : Uninitialized local variable 'perk_whoswho'

By the way my character has 50 not 77 of life

One/more of the .gsh files need to be included using the #include call in your mapname.gsc somewhere.

And what do i need include?

At the top of your mapname.gsc add any of these that are missing:

#using scripts\codescripts\struct; #using scripts\shared\array_shared; #using scripts\shared\clientfield_shared; #using scripts\shared\system_shared; #using scripts\shared\util_shared; #using scripts\shared\visionset_mgr_shared; #using scripts\zm\_zm_score; #insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh; #insert scripts\shared\version.gsh; #using scripts\zm\_zm_audio; #using scripts\shared\flag_shared; #using scripts\shared\laststand_shared; #using scripts\zm\_zm_laststand; #using scripts\shared\ai\zombie_utility; #using scripts\zm\_util; #using scripts\zm\_zm_perks; #using scripts\zm\_zm_pers_upgrades; #using scripts\zm\_zm_pers_upgrades_functions; #using scripts\zm\_zm_pers_upgrades_system; #using scripts\zm\_zm_stats; #using scripts\zm\_zm_utility; #insert scripts\zm\_zm_perk_juggernaut.gsh; #insert scripts\zm\_zm_perks.gsh; #insert scripts\zm\_zm_utility.gsh; #insert scripts\shared\ai\zombie.gsh;

Thanx nates!