Modme Forums

How to implement Brutus in a mod

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: dkamasta
How to implement Brutus in a mod, like spawning @ player spawn area. every few rounds.


Reply By: natesmithzombies
If you are asking the question because you saw a Brutus model was included in the latest update: the included model is incomplete and the exact same as the bo2 model. No script was included and its a mystery as to why it was included at all. So basically you need to script it all from scratch.


Reply By: dkamasta

natesmithzombiesIf you are asking the question because you saw a Brutus model was included in the latest update: the included model is incomplete and the exact same as the bo2 model. No script was included and its a mystery as to why it was included at all. So basically you need to script it all from scratch.

I saw a video and your twitter about maybe you releasing brutus code.....

was hoping to implement it

SpawnActor(<aitype>, <origin>, <angles>, [targetname], [forcespawn], [fullyaware], [spawnerEnt])</angles></origin></aitype>