Modme Forums


Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: CalvinLarson
So, I am making a map and it is a very simple zoning process. I only have 2 zones the start_zone and my test_zone. In my radiant I added all of the spawners and zones with the correct kvps. In my scripts I added zm_zonemgr::add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone", "test_zone", "enter_test_zone" ); to my mapname.gsc. In game the zombies all spawn and attack me in the start_zone but as soon as I buy the door entering the test_zone, the zombies like come to the edge of the start zone and stop like theres a wall. I have spawners in the test_zone and they spawn fine once I open the test_zone door but they aswell just dont move. You guys have any idea what I could be doing wrong.