Modme Forums

[GSC] Working mouse controlled menu

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: MrCoby220
(CANCALED since its useless laggy has allot of work to do on it and over all i lost the working files and do not feel like remaking it we won't even get menu / lui files anyway)
(This will also be in Zombie mode)

Hi everyone this is a working mouse controlled menu in Call of Duty Black Ops 3 by MrCoby220

This is still work in progress

Keep in mind that the style of the menu is being worked on to make it look like the Call of Duty Black ops 3 ESC Menu

I will add more gif images in the spoiler bellow as the menu keep being worked on

The script will be released when the menu will be done

v.v.v PREVIEW v.v.v


Reply By: natesmithzombies
Very impressive. Please release! +1 win from me


Reply By: ZombieKid164
That's pretty neat :D