Modme Forums

Need some scripting help with my custom weapon!

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: DorDur215
So the thing is I'm trying to port the scavanger. The weapon itself works and Im really happy with it. What bothers me tho is that the zombies just fall to the ground when they die. I looked through the weapon file for numerous hours trying to figure out how to make them die with the annihilator_death_blood effect but nothing worked. So thats where I need help im sure some talented scripter could throw a small script together for me so the zombies that die by my weapon always die with the annihilator_death_blood effect. Help with this will be VERY much appreciated and ofc when I release a map/mod I will credit whoever helped me with this! Thanks in advance!


Reply By: ElTitoPricus
Take a look at these settings in the weaponfile inside your gdt


Reply By: DorDur215

ElTitoPricusTake a look at these settings in the weaponfile inside your gdt

Thank you for your reply! Unfortunately I tried this and it didnt work. The strange thing is it does work BUT only when im like 1 meter close to the zombies. I want them to play that effect even when im far away :(