Modme Forums

Custom Powerup: Bottomless Clip

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: natesmithzombies

Custom Powerup: Bottomless Clip By: NateSmithZombies

This power up gives you an infinite bottomless clip. I dont think anyone suggested this one, but we all knew it was coming!

If you are to make a tutorial with my content you must link the original ModMe post. You cannot repost the DL link to any other site (incuding YouTube). If you use my work please give me credit. You giving credit motivates me to help the community! :)



Instructions are included in the download. Also special thanks to a long time friend Harry Bo21 for giving me the base code to work off of for the hud functions!

Want different shaders? Check this out


Jan 2 2017: Updated shader and added announcer (credits to Madgaz for doing the voice)

Jan 4: Increased announcer volume


Reply By: Blink-420
Love it nate! Thank you very much. Your instructions for this one though, the #using is calling for fast feet, so might wanna change it incase someone doesnt see it when using this.


Reply By: natesmithzombies

Blink-420Love it nate! Thank you very much. Your instructions for this one though, the #using is calling for fast feet, so might wanna change it incase someone doesnt see it when using this.

Thanks! I fixed the download now


Reply By: PentaFrost
After playing a while i stumbled on a bug.

Atleast i would say so. Not gamebreaking, but maybe something, one might not think of at first.

The Stock Option Gubblegum is taking ammo from stockpile. But that negates the effect of Bottomless clip.

It wont register that and just take your ammo.

Dont know if you wanna fix that. It is really not a big deal.

But with the limited Gubblegum atm, it might affect people :)


Reply By: natesmithzombies

Jan 2 2017: Updated shader and added announcer (credits to Madgaz for doing the voice)


Reply By: natesmithzombies


Jan 4: Increased announcer volume


Reply By: Scorpiolo

Just wanted to quickly inform you of an error in which with the Stock Option gobblegum, it will continue to take ammo from stock whilst this power up is active


Reply By: natesmithzombies


Just wanted to quickly inform you of an error in which with the Stock Option gobblegum, it will continue to take ammo from stock whilst this power up is active

That cant be fixed because I cannot access that script. Until they release GG scripts the error will have to persist


Reply By: tbone-5

how can you make a powerup not drop from zombies? but can spawn from bosses & teleporters like on TG like how the free perk drop only spawns from them, your powerups drop from zombies & can show up in that kind of stuff but i don't know how to remove them from dropping from zombies only


Reply By: ZoekMeMaar


how can you make a powerup not drop from zombies? but can spawn from bosses & teleporters like on TG like how the free perk drop only spawns from them, your powerups drop from zombies & can show up in that kind of stuff but i don't know how to remove them from dropping from zombies only

So basicly this is how it is done in the free perk script u should add the &zm_powerups::func_should_never_drop To the line as shown above, then u can spawn it by doing..

self zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop("SCRIPT NAME OF POWER UP", self.origin+(0,100,0));


Reply By: tbone-5


how can you make a powerup not drop from zombies? but can spawn from bosses & teleporters like on TG like how the free perk drop only spawns from them, your powerups drop from zombies & can show up in that kind of stuff but i don't know how to remove them from dropping from zombies only

So basicly this is how it is done in the free perk script u should add the &zm_powerups::func_should_never_drop To the line as shown above, then u can spawn it by doing..

self zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop("SCRIPT NAME OF POWER UP", self.origin+(0,100,0));

I'm trying to get it to not drop from zombies, but not have to spawn it in, i want it to drop from bosses or teleporters like they do already but not drop from zombies if that makes much sense


Reply By: ZoekMeMaar


how can you make a powerup not drop from zombies? but can spawn from bosses & teleporters like on TG like how the free perk drop only spawns from them, your powerups drop from zombies & can show up in that kind of stuff but i don't know how to remove them from dropping from zombies only

So basicly this is how it is done in the free perk script u should add the &zm_powerups::func_should_never_drop To the line as shown above, then u can spawn it by doing..

self zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop("SCRIPT NAME OF POWER UP", self.origin+(0,100,0));

I'm trying to get it to not drop from zombies, but not have to spawn it in, i want it to drop from bosses or teleporters like they do already but not drop from zombies if that makes much sense

yeah u would need to script this for your own but for a boss it would something like this so let say we use natesmithzombies's brutus,

function new_death()
	self waittill( "death" );
	self.light delete(); 
	PlayFx( SPAWN_FX, self.origin ); 

	thread zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop("NAME OF POWER UP", self.origin);
	self PlaySound( "brutus_helmet" ); 
	self PlaySound( "brutus_defeated_0"+randomintrange(0,3) ); 
	self PlaySound( "brutus_death" ); 
	nsz_iprintlnbold( "^2Brutus Died" ); 
	clone = spawn( "script_model", self.origin ); 
	clone.angles = self.angles; 
	clone SetModel( "bo2_brutus_fb" ); 
	self hide(); 
	clone UseAnimTree( #animtree ); 
	clone AnimScripted( "placeholder", clone.origin, clone.angles, %brutus_death );	
	wait( GetAnimLength(%brutus_death) ); 
	self delete(); 
	clone delete(); 

This would give the powerup u want to be given when brutes dies, (NAME OF POWER UP) means the script name of the power up like "free_perk" will spawn a free perk with bottle model.


Reply By: tbone-5


how can you make a powerup not drop from zombies? but can spawn from bosses & teleporters like on TG like how the free perk drop only spawns from them, your powerups drop from zombies & can show up in that kind of stuff but i don't know how to remove them from dropping from zombies only

So basicly this is how it is done in the free perk script u should add the &zm_powerups::func_should_never_drop To the line as shown above, then u can spawn it by doing..

self zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop("SCRIPT NAME OF POWER UP", self.origin+(0,100,0));

I'm trying to get it to not drop from zombies, but not have to spawn it in, i want it to drop from bosses or teleporters like they do already but not drop from zombies if that makes much sense

yeah u would need to script this for your own but for a boss it would something like this so let say we use natesmithzombies's brutus,

function new_death()
	self waittill( "death" );
	self.light delete(); 
	PlayFx( SPAWN_FX, self.origin ); 

	thread zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop("NAME OF POWER UP", self.origin);
	self PlaySound( "brutus_helmet" ); 
	self PlaySound( "brutus_defeated_0"+randomintrange(0,3) ); 
	self PlaySound( "brutus_death" ); 
	nsz_iprintlnbold( "^2Brutus Died" ); 
	clone = spawn( "script_model", self.origin ); 
	clone.angles = self.angles; 
	clone SetModel( "bo2_brutus_fb" ); 
	self hide(); 
	clone UseAnimTree( #animtree ); 
	clone AnimScripted( "placeholder", clone.origin, clone.angles, %brutus_death );	
	wait( GetAnimLength(%brutus_death) ); 
	self delete(); 
	clone delete(); 

This would give the powerup u want to be given when brutes dies, (NAME OF POWER UP) means the script name of the power up like "free_perk" will spawn a free perk with bottle model.

thanks for the reply & help, i am doing a mod so this sounds a bit harder to figure out cause of that


Reply By: ZoekMeMaar


how can you make a powerup not drop from zombies? but can spawn from bosses & teleporters like on TG like how the free perk drop only spawns from them, your powerups drop from zombies & can show up in that kind of stuff but i don't know how to remove them from dropping from zombies only

So basicly this is how it is done in the free perk script u should add the &zm_powerups::func_should_never_drop To the line as shown above, then u can spawn it by doing..

self zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop("SCRIPT NAME OF POWER UP", self.origin+(0,100,0));

I'm trying to get it to not drop from zombies, but not have to spawn it in, i want it to drop from bosses or teleporters like they do already but not drop from zombies if that makes much sense

yeah u would need to script this for your own but for a boss it would something like this so let say we use natesmithzombies's brutus,

function new_death()
	self waittill( "death" );
	self.light delete(); 
	PlayFx( SPAWN_FX, self.origin ); 

	thread zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop("NAME OF POWER UP", self.origin);
	self PlaySound( "brutus_helmet" ); 
	self PlaySound( "brutus_defeated_0"+randomintrange(0,3) ); 
	self PlaySound( "brutus_death" ); 
	nsz_iprintlnbold( "^2Brutus Died" ); 
	clone = spawn( "script_model", self.origin ); 
	clone.angles = self.angles; 
	clone SetModel( "bo2_brutus_fb" ); 
	self hide(); 
	clone UseAnimTree( #animtree ); 
	clone AnimScripted( "placeholder", clone.origin, clone.angles, %brutus_death );	
	wait( GetAnimLength(%brutus_death) ); 
	self delete(); 
	clone delete(); 

This would give the powerup u want to be given when brutes dies, (NAME OF POWER UP) means the script name of the power up like "free_perk" will spawn a free perk with bottle model.

thanks for the reply & help, i am doing a mod so this sounds a bit harder to figure out cause of that

No prob i'm here to help xd


Can you give a new download link is corrupted