Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: raptroes
Hey y'all!
I was hoping you could help me make zombies always slow (walkers) as well as killable with headshots only.
This would also mean disabling melee and grenades, so people don't cheat (if possible)!
If you're able to help, it'd be much appreciated. :D
Reply By: natesmithzombies
Lets try this as I cant test it myself ATM:
Alternate Code
Add this to the bottom of your mapname.gsc
function new_zombie_mode() { level flag::wait_till( "initial_blackscreen_passed" ); zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "zombie_move_speed_multiplier", 0, true ); zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "zombie_move_speed_multiplier_easy", 0, true ); level.headshots_only = true; }
Add this to your function main:
level thread new_zombie_mode();
If that doesn't work we can try something again.
Reply By: raptroes
The headshots only works flawlessly. Even with the Insta-Kill power-up, you still have to shoot them in the head. Melee is possible, yet completely useless (maybe it's possible to headshot melee?). Grenades are nowhere to be found! :D
As for the walker zombies, it works regardless of the round (skipped to round 51 and they were still slow). However, the last remaining zombie of the round will still sprint. There's probably some extra code necessary to prevent this, but I may switch my map over to a timed-based gameplay to avoid round-ending sprinters.
Thanks for the help, Nate! You replied really quickly with a working solution. :D I'll only be able to repay you with gratitude and credit, but this was much appreciated.
Reply By: raptroes
So on very rare and specific occasions, there will be a sprinter zombie mixed in. I believe there's probably some extra code required to disable this. Anyways, if there is only one zombie left as you're at the end of the "round", even in in timed gameplay, you still get a sprinter zombie. Could you take a look into this to see if this is fixable? Thanks.