Modme Forums

HELP How to edit brush in script

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: ReKleSs

Hello everyone, im creating a map in bo3. I want to resize a brush with a script. For example make the tide rise little by little as I want to edit.

Thanks for helping, ReKleSs


Reply By: natesmithzombies

what do you mean by rise? is it simply rising in the Z direction, or is it also chaning in actual size?


Reply By: ReKleSs


what do you mean by rise? is it simply rising in the Z direction, or is it also chaning in actual size?

I want to changue size of brush and brush position. For Ex. climb water(tide).


Reply By: natesmithzombies

Changing the actual size will be tough. What I would do is place a really large script_brushmodel in your map. Give it the water texture you want and then call it in script via a targetname. Then you can simply use MoveZ to move the brush up. Sounds like you may also want a damage trigger or something to hurt the player for rising tide. For that you can use EnableLinkTo() and damage_ent LinkTo( water );