Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: fedkerr6
how can i add when i open a door with a trigger use, it plays custom sound?
Sorry for my bad english :(
Reply By: natesmithzombies
Your English is pretty good. Don't worry about that
I have tested this and it works:
Step 1) Place this function at the bottom of your mapname.gsc:
function play_door_open_sound( flag, sound )
ents = GetEntArray( flag, "script_flag" );
level flag::wait_till( flag );
// iprintlnbold( "^2PlaySound" );
PlaySoundAtPosition( sound, ents[0].origin );
Step 2) Add this in your function main:
level thread play_door_open_sound( "zone_flag_here", "sound_alias_here" );
Change "zone_flag_here" to the script_flag of your door trigger. Change "sound_alias_here" to the sound alias that you have in your user_aliases.csv that you would like to play.
Step 3) Repeat Step 2 for every door that you would like to have play a sound.
Reply By: ProBeazt
natesmithzombieslevel thread play_door_open_sound( "zone_flag_here", "sound_alias_here" );
Change "sound_alias_here" to the sound alias that you have in your user_aliases.csv that you would like to play.
What line of code do I add to my user_aliases.csv?