Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: wolfetplayer
So I want to get rid of perk machines models and replace it with something like wood crate with bottles in it. Is it possible at all?No success in altering perk machines models.
Maybe it is easier to create a simple trigger and put it near the model of my choice?
There was some thread about perk wallbuys onUGX-Mods, but with no success at all.
I would be very grateful, if someone could help me out with this.
Reply By: natesmithzombies
I know this works as I have tested it myself.
Step 1) Add this to the bottom of mapname.gsc
Step 2) Add this to your function main for every perk machine you would like to replace:
The specialty names can be found in _zm_perks.gsh and the vending names are found in each perk gsh such as _zm_perk_sleight_of_hand.gsh.
Note: Just place the model you want over the prefab for the perks. Also note that this does still require power. I answered a post before on how to turn power on at start if you would like no power
Reply By: wolfetplayer
It worked! Thank you Nate! You will be credited once my map is ready!
Reply By: Exofile
This topic is now locked as it has been answered. If it for some reason would need to be reopened, please PM someone in the staff.