Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: iLik3ToPL4Y
My mapname.gsc:
Ingame the lightstate 2 got a tick nothing else...
Reply By: Exofile
Although this isn't perfect, I get it to work as followed:
Open your mapname.gsc in Call of Duty Black Ops III\usermaps\MAPNAME\scripts\zm
First off, place this under zm_usermap::main(); in your main function like so:
function main()
thread init_power();
Place this at the bottom of your mapname.gsc:
function init_power()
level util::set_lighting_state(0);
level waittill("power_on");
level util::set_lighting_state(1);
In Radiant, place down your perk machine prefab, and open it. Select all lights and turn on Lightstate 2. (Note: if you want the perkmachine to always have lights on, for example:
Once you've edited that, all you'll want to do is Build your map.
Hopefully this works for you as it does for me!
Note: From what I understand this isn't how Treyarch intended for perklights to work, rather they use exploders, but for now it does the job.