Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: Abnormal202
Hey, I've hardly worked with trigger multiples/radiuses, but I'm trying to make a script where it will rotate an object while the player stands in a trigger multiple or a trigger radius, and then starts rotating back the other way when he is not standing on it. The only way I know to trigger something in script using a trigger in radiant is with:
triggername waittill( "trigger", player);
But I don't think I can use just that to make a function like the one I described above. I'm sure there's a way to do this, afterall the script for soul chests must check for zombies to be in a certain radius of an object, so how can I do that with players? I've tried looking through MakeCents' grow_soul.GSC but most of that stuff just goes over my head.
Reply By: natesmithzombies
you want to use the funciton:
player isTouching(trigger)