Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: XxCAFxX
could someone script me something where when all of the players go down except for one a song plays?
Reply By: natesmithzombies
This has been tested and I can guarantee that it works:
1) Add this to the bottom of mapname.gsc
functioncinematic_downs(){levelendon("intermission");level.players_not_valid=0;while(1){while(zm_utility::is_player_valid(self))wait(0.05);level.players_not_valid++;self.player_not_valid=true;players=GetPlayers();if(level.players_not_valid==players.size-1)foreach(playerinplayers)if(!isDefined(player.player_not_valid)){playerPlayLocalSound("nsz_banana_song");// change to your song nameplayer.playing_cinematic_down=true;}while(!zm_utility::is_player_valid(self))wait(0.05);level.players_not_valid--;self.player_not_valid=undefined;players=getplayers();foreach(playerinplayers)if(isDefined(player.playing_cinematic_down)){playerStopLocalSound("nsz_banana_song");// change to your song nameplayer.playing_cinematic_down=undefined;}wait(0.05);}}
2) Add this to the top of your function main in mapname.gsc:
3) Make sure you have your alias set up and you switch the alias in the script to match your sound
Reply By: Abnormal202
Oh man, I spent like an hour trying to write a script for this and just couldn't figure it out. I'll try to learn from my mistakes though and see how your script works, NSZ.
Also on an unrelated note, you don't happen to know anything about Zombie Spawners, do you?
Reply By: XxCAFxX
This has been tested and I can guarantee that it works:
1) Add this to the bottom of mapname.gsc
functioncinematic_downs(){levelendon("intermission");level.players_not_valid=0;while(1){while(zm_utility::is_player_valid(self))wait(0.05);level.players_not_valid++;self.player_not_valid=true;players=GetPlayers();if(level.players_not_valid==players.size-1)foreach(playerinplayers)if(!isDefined(player.player_not_valid)){playerPlayLocalSound("nsz_banana_song");// change to your song nameplayer.playing_cinematic_down=true;}while(!zm_utility::is_player_valid(self))wait(0.05);level.players_not_valid--;self.player_not_valid=undefined;players=getplayers();foreach(playerinplayers)if(isDefined(player.playing_cinematic_down)){playerStopLocalSound("nsz_banana_song");// change to your song nameplayer.playing_cinematic_down=undefined;}wait(0.05);}}
2) Add this to the top of your function main in mapname.gsc:
3) Make sure you have your alias set up and you switch the alias in the script to match your sound
I'm probably doing something wrong but its not working, i tried on splitscreen if that makes a difference, if you need more info let me know.
Reply By: natesmithzombies
This has been tested and I can guarantee that it works:
1) Add this to the bottom of mapname.gsc
functioncinematic_downs(){levelendon("intermission");level.players_not_valid=0;while(1){while(zm_utility::is_player_valid(self))wait(0.05);level.players_not_valid++;self.player_not_valid=true;players=GetPlayers();if(level.players_not_valid==players.size-1)foreach(playerinplayers)if(!isDefined(player.player_not_valid)){playerPlayLocalSound("nsz_banana_song");// change to your song nameplayer.playing_cinematic_down=true;}while(!zm_utility::is_player_valid(self))wait(0.05);level.players_not_valid--;self.player_not_valid=undefined;players=getplayers();foreach(playerinplayers)if(isDefined(player.playing_cinematic_down)){playerStopLocalSound("nsz_banana_song");// change to your song nameplayer.playing_cinematic_down=undefined;}wait(0.05);}}
2) Add this to the top of your function main in mapname.gsc:
3) Make sure you have your alias set up and you switch the alias in the script to match your sound
I'm probably doing something wrong but its not working, i tried on splitscreen if that makes a difference, if you need more info let me know.
I tested it on splitscreen myself to make sure it worked. You did step 2 correct?
Reply By: XxCAFxX
This has been tested and I can guarantee that it works:
1) Add this to the bottom of mapname.gsc
functioncinematic_downs(){levelendon("intermission");level.players_not_valid=0;while(1){while(zm_utility::is_player_valid(self))wait(0.05);level.players_not_valid++;self.player_not_valid=true;players=GetPlayers();if(level.players_not_valid==players.size-1)foreach(playerinplayers)if(!isDefined(player.player_not_valid)){playerPlayLocalSound("nsz_banana_song");// change to your song nameplayer.playing_cinematic_down=true;}while(!zm_utility::is_player_valid(self))wait(0.05);level.players_not_valid--;self.player_not_valid=undefined;players=getplayers();foreach(playerinplayers)if(isDefined(player.playing_cinematic_down)){playerStopLocalSound("nsz_banana_song");// change to your song nameplayer.playing_cinematic_down=undefined;}wait(0.05);}}
2) Add this to the top of your function main in mapname.gsc:
3) Make sure you have your alias set up and you switch the alias in the script to match your sound
I'm probably doing something wrong but its not working, i tried on splitscreen if that makes a difference, if you need more info let me know.
I tested it on splitscreen myself to make sure it worked. You did step 2 correct?
Yes, and ive changed the script alies to mine and added my song to the user alies but no avail
Reply By: Abnormal202
It worked well for me. What does the sound look like in the user_aliases? mine looks like: