Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: Kingslayer Kyle
Title says it all
For some reason my ppsh refuses to come out of the pap machine with any camo at all,
It used to have camo but for some reason I'm not sure why but it doesn't anymore
All I can think of is one of the scripts that I'm using is conflicting with it but I can't think of what it could be,
Any ideas?
Does anybody know how to manually add a pap camo just for one certain weapon??
That way I could just set the pap camo for the ppsh to the same as the rest of the weapons.
This is a frustrating issue as it used to be fine and worked but now for some reason it doesn't and just for this one particular weapon
Reply By: tbone-5
treyarch just added the PPSH to multiplayer in last patch, i just noticed pap camo only covers mag now seems like it's a 3arc mess up they will probably never fix for us they can't even add a simple fire sound for it & its so easy to do yourself
Reply By: Kingslayer Kyle
tbone-5treyarch just added the PPSH to multiplayer in last patch, i just noticed pap camo only covers mag now seems like it's a 3arc mess up they will probably never fix for us they can't even add a simple fire sound for it & its so easy to do yourself
If you're correct then that's definitely what the problem must be, as for the sounds I have them working fine
Reply By: tbone-5
Kingslayertbone-5treyarch just added the PPSH to multiplayer in last patch, i just noticed pap camo only covers mag now seems like it's a 3arc mess up they will probably never fix for us they can't even add a simple fire sound for it & its so easy to do yourself
If you're correct then that's definitely what the problem must be, as for the sounds I have them working fine
yeah i do not see how treyarch messed this up, & yeah sounds are easy here is my alias i use, i set them up properly with both fire sounds not like some people who only use one for some odd reason, & i use PAP sound with normal sound like it should be to
wpn_smg_ppsh_fire_pap_plr,,,wpn/ppsh/wpn_smg_ppsh_pap_loop.wav,,,UIN_MOD,,wpn_smg_ppsh_fire_plr,,,,grp_weapon,snp_wpn_1p_shot,,,,90,90,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2d,,,LOOPING ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Reply By: Kingslayer Kyle
Using gorod krovi camo fixes it,
Just thought I'd post my solution
Reply By: tbone-5
KingslayerUsing gorod krovi camo fixes it,
Just thought I'd post my solution
that is good you found a fix after they messed up its index. i have a ported Bo3 PPSH that is better than 3arcs, so i do not need 3arcs anymore thankfully lol