Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: LLamaMods101
so i have created a part of "five" the part with the elevator and i was wondering how i could get the whole elevator to move not just a platform like in zombiekids elevator pack thing, i tried to just to put in a model with the target name (the same as the platform in the prefab) but nothing happened
be sick if someone could help :)
Reply By: Abnormal202
All the parts of the elevator you want to move should be either script_models or script_brushmodels, all with the same targetname. In script you're going to need to use an array. I don't know what script you're currently using, so if you could post that, I could probably change it to use an array instead.
Reply By: LLamaMods101
Abnormal202All the parts of the elevator you want to move should be either script_models or script_brushmodels, all with the same targetname. In script you're going to need to use an array. I don't know what script you're currently using, so if you could post that, I could probably change it to use an array instead.
i am currently using zombiekids elevator script witch you can find here,14244.0.html but it seems when i add a target name to 2 or more script brushes or script models nothing happens just stands still
Reply By: LLamaMods101
anyone got any suggestions