Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: Kingslayer Kyle
For some reason brutus is only spawning in the start_zone of my map, I have read Nate's FAQ and have added a script_string KVP to the prefab YOURZONE and set the value of the KVP to "enter_open_zone" (without the quotes)
Here's the zone setup in my gsc:
level.zones=[];level.zone_manager_init_func=&usermap_test_zone_init;init_zones[0]="start_zone";init_zones[1]="subway_zone";init_zones[2]="hut_zone";init_zones[3]="house_zone";init_zones[4]="open_zone";init_zones[5]="power_zone";init_zones[6]="tele_zone";init_zones[7]="cherry_zone";levelthreadzm_zonemgr::manage_zones(init_zones);wardog_addon::post_init();level.pathdist_type=PATHDIST_ORIGINAL;}functionusermap_test_zone_init(){// zm_zonemgr::add_adjacent_zone("zone_name_a", "zone_name_b", "flag_name");// From Start zone going through hut zonezm_zonemgr::add_adjacent_zone("start_zone","hut_zone","enter_hut_zone");zm_zonemgr::add_adjacent_zone("hut_zone","house_zone","enter_house_zone");zm_zonemgr::add_adjacent_zone("house_zone","open_zone","enter_open_zone");// From start zone going through subway zonezm_zonemgr::add_adjacent_zone("start_zone","subway_zone","enter_subway_zone");zm_zonemgr::add_adjacent_zone("subway_zone","open_zone","enter_open_zone");// From open zonezm_zonemgr::add_adjacent_zone("open_zone","power_zone","enter_power_zone");zm_zonemgr::add_adjacent_zone("open_zone","tele_zone","enter_tele_zone");zm_zonemgr::add_adjacent_zone("open_zone","subway_zone","enter_subway_zone");zm_zonemgr::add_adjacent_zone("open_zone","house_zone","enter_house_zone");// From tele zone to cherry zonezm_zonemgr::add_adjacent_zone("tele_zone","cherry_zone","enter_cherry_zone");// Hut zone from house zonezm_zonemgr::add_adjacent_zone("house_zone","hut_zone","enter_hut_zone");levelflag::init("always_on");levelflag::set("always_on");}
Not sure what's going on, any help would be appreciated?
Reply By: natesmithzombies
Here is a screenshot of my script sturct KVPs for a zone spawner of brutus in my map. Make sure the only thing different is your zone name:
If all seems in order, it is likely because your assumptions of zoning are incorrect. You have 4 zones that are flagged twice:
A flag should only ever appear once in your zone manager declarations. It might seem difficult to understand, but I made a video back in WaW that explained how to set up zones properly:
Although it is in WaW, the same exact concept applies in Bo3.
Reply By: Kingslayer Kyle
Here is a screenshot of my script sturct KVPs for a zone spawner of brutus in my map. Make sure the only thing different is your zone name:
If all seems in order, it is likely because your assumptions of zoning are incorrect. You have 4 zones that are flagged twice:
A flag should only ever appear once in your zone manager declarations. It might seem difficult to understand, but I made a video back in WaW that explained how to set up zones properly:
Although it is in WaW, the same exact concept applies in Bo3.
Ah, yeah that's what it was.. I'm new to mapping and I watched a quick tutorial on YouTube on how to set up zones and adjacent zones guess I got it wrong though..
Is your buried_zone in the same part as my enter_hut_zone?
Or have I misread again lol..
Thanks for the help man really appreciate it :)
Reply By: natesmithzombies
Ah, yeah that's what it was.. I'm new to mapping and I watched a quick tutorial on YouTube on how to set up zones and adjacent zones guess I got it wrong though..
Can you draw me a block layout of your map with the zone names? I can help you better if I can see the zones
Hey, I uploaded the image for you
Reply By: natesmithzombies
Sorry I have been busy with work and uni so my replies are often slow. Your zones appear to be in order now. Did you rename your brutus spawner script_string?
Reply By: Kingslayer Kyle
Sorry I have been busy with work and uni so my replies are often slow. Your zones appear to be in order now. Did you rename your brutus spawner script_string?
No worries man :) and yeah I renamed it to open_to_power but he still spawns at start :(
Reply By: natesmithzombies
Sorry I have been busy with work and uni so my replies are often slow. Your zones appear to be in order now. Did you rename your brutus spawner script_string?
No worries man :) and yeah I renamed it to open_to_power but he still spawns at start :(
This is a really lazy way to fix but I have some very serious things going on irl and cant do a proper help/fix for you. For the time being place a trigger_multiple that will only be touched when a player walks into a new zone. Match the script_string on the spawner struct to be the same as that on the trigger. Make it different than the zone flag to avoid issues. Here is an example trigger_multiple:
If this doesnt work you are definitely using the wrong prefab