Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: Mr.Zombie
Hi guys I hope that doing well
i want to know How can i make my own easter egg like revelations or zetsubou no shima or like Christmas Carol
and i want to know ho can i put boss fight
thanks :D
Reply By: mathfag
You can start by making a script to shoot models. When the models are shot link another function by adding
level thread insert_function_name_here();
and when this step is done you can link another function.
You can find scripts on this website
Here's an example (note where is says "level thread"):
function gateworm_wait_for_unlock(players)
level endon( "intermission" );
while( !level.gateworm_obtained )
// self SetHintString( "Debug: Press and Hold ^3&&1^7 to Unlock gateworm_door" );
// self SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
self waittill( "trigger", player );
models = GetEntArray(, "targetname" );
PlaySoundAtPosition( "zmb_cha_ching", player.origin );
spawn_flag = models[0].script_flag;
flag::set( spawn_flag );
foreach( model in models )
model delete();
self delete();
players playsound( "dragon_roar" );
players zm_powerup_free_perk::grab_free_perk( self );
players zm_powerup_free_perk::grab_free_perk( self );
players zm_powerup_free_perk::grab_free_perk( self );
players zm_powerup_free_perk::grab_free_perk( self );
players zm_powerup_free_perk::grab_free_perk( self );
players zm_powerup_free_perk::grab_free_perk( self );
players zm_powerup_free_perk::grab_free_perk( self );
players zm_powerup_free_perk::grab_free_perk( self );
players zm_powerup_free_perk::grab_free_perk( self );
players zm_powerup_free_perk::grab_free_perk( self );
players zm_powerup_free_perk::grab_free_perk( self );
players zm_powerup_free_perk::grab_free_perk( self );
players zm_powerup_free_perk::grab_free_perk( self );
level thread gateworm_place();
function gateworm_place()
place_spot = struct::get( "place_spot", "targetname" ); // if you get an error on this line add this to the top of your .gsc: #using scripts\codescripts\struct;
model = spawn( "script_model", place_spot.origin );
model.angles = place_spot.angles;
model SetModel( "p7_zm_zod_relic_boxer" );
model PlayLoopSound( "laser_beam" );
model PlaySoundOnTag("laser_absorb", "tag_origin", model);
PlayFxOnTag( SPAWN_FX_SMOKE, model, "tag_origin" );
place_spot_beam = struct::get( "place_spot_beam", "targetname" );
beam = spawn( "script_model", place_spot.origin );
beam SetModel( "p7_brick_broken_worn_dirty_01_red_wet" );
beam.angles = place_spot_beam.angles;
PlayFxOnTag( SPAWN_FX_BEAM, beam, "tag_origin");
level util::set_lighting_state(3);
Reply By: Abnormal202
A script is going to vary greatly depending on what you want to happen. What kind of easter egg is this? something basic, like shooting 3 bears to play a song? or something more complicated, with multiple steps? You're going to have to think of exactly what you want to happen and how it should happen before you start writing a script. What kind of boss fight? against a single boss-zombie or just many zombies at once? You're going to have to be specific.
Reply By: Mr.Zombie
First, I thank you for your comment :D
i want my easter egg something more complicated with multiple steps For example
1- Taking souls of the zombie2- Throw bombs in designated places
3- Protect something from the zombies
Reply By: Abnormal202
Mr.ZombieFirst, I thank you for your comment :D
i want my easter egg something more complicated with multiple steps For example
1- Taking souls of the zombie
2- Throw bombs in designated places
3- Protect something from the zombies
for taking souls you could use MakeCents' Growing Soul Collectors and replace the ending so it doesn't open a door but rather activates a flag or function for the next step of the easter egg to activate. For throwing bombs, you can use trigger damages, and specify in the KVPs the type of damage required to trigger it (i.e, explosive). For protect something from the zombies, I'm not sure how you would do that. It's definitely possible, but its beyond my knowledge at the moment.
Reply By: Mr.Zombie
Abnormal202Mr.ZombieFirst, I thank you for your comment :D
i want my easter egg something more complicated with multiple steps For example
1- Taking souls of the zombie
2- Throw bombs in designated places
3- Protect something from the zombies
for taking souls you could use MakeCents' Growing Soul Collectors and replace the ending so it doesn't open a door but rather activates a flag or function for the next step of the easter egg to activate. For throwing bombs, you can use trigger damages, and specify in the KVPs the type of damage required to trigger it (i.e, explosive). For protect something from the zombies, I'm not sure how you would do that. It's definitely possible, but its beyond my knowledge at the moment.
ok But you did not respond to my question on the main how can i make my owen ester egg any ester egg i want to do
should i learn script or what
And if i should learn script where can i learn it ?
Reply By: Abnormal202
Well, I was giving instructions on how you might go about doing specific easter egg steps. If you want to create something completely original, you're going to have to learn scripting. You can learn it from places like the Modme Scripting guide or look up video tutorials.