Modme Forums

Fog on dog rounds

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: mathfag

How does one add fog on the dog rounds?

Is it just changing lighting states to turn on fog brushes or something more?

I figured it out. Here's the tutorial:


1: Place "volume_worldfog" around your map.

2: Press "n" to open "entity info" and insert the following

BANK_1 - check

fsi_1 - zm_factory_dogs_afog or zm_factory_dogs_volumetric

defaults - zm_factory_dogs_afog or zm_factory_dogs_volumetric


disable_fog - uncheck

now only check the lighting state that the dog round is on (pick one)

Script (mapname.gsc):

In function main:

level thread dog_round_fog();

At the bottom:

function dog_round_fog()
self endon("disconnect");
level waittill("dog_round_starting"); //This makes the script wait until a Hellhound round begins.
//IPrintLnBold("Dog round");
level util::set_lighting_state(2); //0=lightstate1 1=lighstate2...
SetVolFog( 0.1, 3.0, 20, 0.1, 0.1, 0.15, 0.25, 2, 100 );

level waittill( "last_ai_down", e_last ); //This makes the script wait until the last dog has been killed.
level util::set_lighting_state(1); //the lighstate before the dogs
//IPrintLnBold("Dog round ended");

Also if someone knows how to mark something as answered please post below. I checked all over modme and I couldn't find anything


Reply By: XxCAFxX


How does one add for on the dog rounds?

Is it just changing lighting states to turn on fog brushes or something more?

I normally dont use dog rounds in any of my maps so i may be incorrect but i do believe that the fog is already present you may just not have enough volumetric lighting.


Reply By: mathfag


How does one add for on the dog rounds?

Is it just changing lighting states to turn on fog brushes or something more?

I normally dont use dog rounds in any of my maps so i may be incorrect but i do believe that the fog is already present you may just not have enough volumetric lighting.

it is not


Reply By: alexisloic21


How does one add for on the dog rounds?

Is it just changing lighting states to turn on fog brushes or something more?

#precache("fx", "Your FX  name");
function dog_round_fog()
	if(level flag::exists( "dog_round" ) && level flag::get("dog_round" ))
		PlayFX(<fx name="">,<position>,[forward],[up],[ignore pause]);

thread dog_round_fog();


Reply By: greeNTheBoyz
I've tried this several times, and it's not doing anything. You sure you don't need a litfog volume instead?

Edit: I've played around with it a bit and got half of it working.

The fog is fading in nicely, and stays foggy until the round's over.
However, the fog then instantaneously cuts away, rather than fading away like it's supposed to.

Any ideas on how to fix this?


Reply By: Harry Bo21

mathfagHow does one add for on the dog rounds?Is it just changing lighting states to turn on fog brushes or something more?&nbsp;#precache("fx", "Your FX name"); function dog_round_fog() { if(level flag::exists( "dog_round" ) && level flag::get("dog_round" )) { PlayFX(<fx name="">,<position>,[forward],[up],[ignore pause]); } } thread dog_round_fog();

its not an fx...
