Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: mathfag
How to kill all zombies via script, pause spawning and make them die out faster?
Also max distance from player.
I'm making a map where you teleport far away and the zombies take forever to die out. Kind of like on "moon" where you tp from area 51 to the moon.
Reply By: TCM
How to kill all zombies via script, pause spawning and make them die out faster?Also max distance from player. I'm making a map where you teleport far away and the zombies take forever to die out. Kind of like on "moon" where you tp from area 51 to the moon.
function zombiekill()
zombs = getaiarray( "axis" );
level.zombie_total = 0;
if( IsDefined( zombs ) )
i = 0;
while( i < zombs.size )
zombs[ i] dodamage( zombs[ i].health * 5000, ( 0, 0, 0 ), self );
wait 0.05;
waitforbreaktime = 30;
OldActorLimit = level.zombie_actor_limit;
OldAiLimt = level.zombie_ai_limit;
level.zombie_actor_limit = 0;
level.zombie_ai_limit = 0;
wait waitforbreaktime;
level.zombie_actor_limit = OldActorLimit;
level.zombie_ai_limit = OldAiLimt;
Reply By: Harry Bo21
mathfag How to kill all zombies via script, pause spawning and make them die out faster?Also max distance from player. I'm making a map where you teleport far away and the zombies take forever to die out. Kind of like on "moon" where you tp from area 51 to the moon. I am sure you figured this out by now just wanted to post this in case it helps someone. To kill all zombies instantly you can do this function zombiekill() { zombs = getaiarray( "axis" ); level.zombie_total = 0; if( IsDefined( zombs ) ) { i = 0; while( i < zombs.size ) { zombs[ i] dodamage( zombs[ i].health * 5000, ( 0, 0, 0 ), self ); wait 0.05; i++; } } } To pause it you can do something like this BreakIt() { waitforbreaktime = 30; OldActorLimit = level.zombie_actor_limit; OldAiLimt = level.zombie_ai_limit; level.zombie_actor_limit = 0; level.zombie_ai_limit = 0; wait waitforbreaktime; level.zombie_actor_limit = OldActorLimit; level.zombie_ai_limit = OldAiLimt; }
#define TOO_HIGH_DIST 800
#define N_CLEANUP_INTERVAL_MIN 3000 // Minimum time in msec for cleanup checks
#define N_CLEANUP_AGE_MIN 5000 // You must be this old (in msec) before considering for cleanup
#define N_CLEANUP_AGE_TIMEOUT 45000 // If you are at least this old (in msec) then allow cleanup no matter what
#define N_CLEANUP_EVALS_PER_FRAME_MAX 1 // Maximum number of AI to process per frame
#define N_CLEANUP_FOV_COS 0.766 // cos(40) == 80 degree FOV
#define N_CLEANUP_DIST_SQ_MIN_AGGRESSIVE 189225 // Minimum distance squared. 435^2
#define N_CLEANUP_DIST_SQ_MIN 250000 // Minimum distance squared. 500^2
#define N_CLEANUP_DIST_SQ_ROUND_END 2250000 // Minimum distance squared. 1500^2
level flag::wait_till_clear("world_is_paused");
// added ability to pause zombie spawning
level flag::wait_till( "spawn_zombies" );
//Not great fix for this being zero - which it should NEVER be! (2 days to ship - PETER)
while( level.zm_loc_types[ "zombie_location" ].size <= 0 )
wait( 0.1 );
Reply By: mathfag
mathfag How to kill all zombies via script, pause spawning and make them die out faster?Also max distance from player. I'm making a map where you teleport far away and the zombies take forever to die out. Kind of like on "moon" where you tp from area 51 to the moon. I am sure you figured this out by now just wanted to post this in case it helps someone. To kill all zombies instantly you can do this function zombiekill() { zombs = getaiarray( "axis" ); level.zombie_total = 0; if( IsDefined( zombs ) ) { i = 0; while( i < zombs.size ) { zombs[ i] dodamage( zombs[ i].health * 5000, ( 0, 0, 0 ), self ); wait 0.05; i++; } } } To pause it you can do something like this BreakIt() { waitforbreaktime = 30; OldActorLimit = level.zombie_actor_limit; OldAiLimt = level.zombie_ai_limit; level.zombie_actor_limit = 0; level.zombie_ai_limit = 0; wait waitforbreaktime; level.zombie_actor_limit = OldActorLimit; level.zombie_ai_limit = OldAiLimt; }
Reply By: TCM
TCM mathfag How to kill all zombies via script, pause spawning and make them die out faster?Also max distance from player. I'm making a map where you teleport far away and the zombies take forever to die out. Kind of like on "moon" where you tp from area 51 to the moon. I am sure you figured this out by now just wanted to post this in case it helps someone. To kill all zombies instantly you can do this function zombiekill() { zombs = getaiarray( "axis" ); level.zombie_total = 0; if( IsDefined( zombs ) ) { i = 0; while( i < zombs.size ) { zombs[ i] dodamage( zombs[ i].health * 5000, ( 0, 0, 0 ), self ); wait 0.05; i++; } } } To pause it you can do something like this BreakIt() { waitforbreaktime = 30; OldActorLimit = level.zombie_actor_limit; OldAiLimt = level.zombie_ai_limit; level.zombie_actor_limit = 0; level.zombie_ai_limit = 0; wait waitforbreaktime; level.zombie_actor_limit = OldActorLimit; level.zombie_ai_limit = OldAiLimt; } Bruh did you seriously go back a year and a half? I don't even remember what map this was for :)