Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: hahaDuNOOB
someone know how to make a waittill the function is complete like
functiontest1{movetestwaittill("function Test");//like the function need to complete done bevor let it go to move brushmovebrush}functiontest(){testmovetestmovetestmovetestmovetestmovetestmove}
Reply By: mathfag
Assuming you mean that when "function test" comes to an end a brush would move, then you can go 2 ways.
functiontest(){//do something before moving the brushlevelthreadfunction_that_moves_the_brush();//go to the function that moves the brush}functionfunction_that_moves_the_brush(){movebrush}
or you could do it your way
functioninit(){level.function_complete=0;}functiontest1{levelthreadtestwhile(1);{waittill(level.function_complete>=1);//without ""if(level.function_complete==1)//no ;{movebrushIPrintLnBold("brush should move");}}}functiontest(){testmovetestmovetestmovetestmovetestmovetestmovelevel.function_complete=1;//this will trigger the waittil in the previous function. if you want to move the brush again from this location you will have to reset the value to 0}
Reply By: hahaDuNOOB
Assuming you mean that when "function test" comes to an end a brush would move, then you can go 2 ways.
functiontest(){//do something before moving the brushlevelthreadfunction_that_moves_the_brush();//go to the function that moves the brush}functionfunction_that_moves_the_brush(){movebrush}
or you could do it your way
functioninit(){level.function_complete=0;}functiontest1{levelthreadtestwhile(1);{waittill(level.function_complete>=1);//without ""if(level.function_complete==1)//no ;{movebrushIPrintLnBold("brush should move");}}}functiontest(){testmovetestmovetestmovetestmovetestmovetestmovelevel.function_complete=1;//this will trigger the waittil in the previous function. if you want to move the brush again from this location you will have to reset the value to 0}
thanks i thing that is what i need ill try it soone