Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: G4mingWithAd
i have put growing soulbox's(made by makecents) in my map and they work perfectly fine the way they are, but i want to make them rotate on the z axis
does anyone know how i can do this
Reply By: Abnormal202
G4mingWithAdi have put growing soulbox's(made by makecents) in my map and they work perfectly fine the way they are, but i want to make them rotate on the z axis
does anyone know how i can do this
Rotate when? just forever? if that is the case then go into growing_soulbox.gsc and find:
array::thread_all(grow_souls, &MonitorGrowSouls, system);
and stick this underneath it:
//rotating code
for(i=0;i<grow_souls.size;i++) {="" grow_souls[i]="" thread="" rotate();="" }="" rotating="" code=""></grow_souls.size;i++)>
then add a this function to the code anywhere, such as the very bottom line:
function rotate()
self RotateYaw(5, 1); //5 is the amount of degrees it rotates it one second. You can change it to a negative number to go the opposite direction.
haven't tested it out but I've worked with rotating stuff before and I think this should work.