Modme Forums

HELP Custom animated models.

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: CaptainHT

How can you play animations on models in-game?

I this in my gsc:

function animations()


model = getEnt("origins_maya_robot", "tutorial_robot");

model useanimtree(#animtree);

model AnimScripted( "optionalNotify", model.origin , model.angles, %origins_robot_walk);


('origins_maya_robot" is the name of the model in Radiant and "tutorial_robot" is the targetname on the script model.)

and this above function main()

#precache( "xanim", "origins_robot_walk");


This is in my zone file:



I have this in my "animtrees" folder:

robot_walk < ATR file name


origins_robot_walk < Animation in APE
