Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: CT8918
This script was requested by: Scorpiolo
I took DuaLVII's zombie counter script and modified it to allow the zombie counter to be turned on and off by a Trigger.
Test Footage: On_Or_Off_Zombie_Counter_Test_Footage
1. Create a use trigger. Give the trigger the targetname of "toggle_zombie_counter"
2. Open your maps .gsc file.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\usermaps\your_map\scripts\zm\your_map.gsc
3. Add the following code at the top of your main() function:
4. Add the following functions at the bottom of your gsc. If you already have a version of the zombie counter, make sure you delete it.
FUNCTION: On_Or_Off_Zombie_Counter
Original Author: DuaLVII
On_Or_Off_Zombie_Counter Author: CT8918
Modified Date: 3/19/2017
Current Project: Mortuus_Arena
Function to display the amount of zombies there currently are. Added the ability to turn off and on.
function _INIT_ZCOUNTER()
ZombieCounterHuds = [];
ZombieCounterHuds["LastZombieText"] = "One Zombie Left";
ZombieCounterHuds["ZombieText"] = "Zombies Left";
ZombieCounterHuds["LastDogText"] = "Dog Left";
ZombieCounterHuds["DogText"] = "Dog's Left";
ZombieCounterHuds["NoText"] = "";
ZombieCounterHuds["DefaultColor"] = (1,1,1);
ZombieCounterHuds["HighlightColor"] = (1, 0.55, 0);
ZombieCounterHuds["FontScale"] = 1.5;
ZombieCounterHuds["DisplayType"] = 0; // 0 = Shows Total Zombies and Counts down, 1 = Shows Currently spawned zombie count
ZombieCounterHuds["counter"] = createNewHudElement("left", "top", 2, 10, 1, 1.5);
ZombieCounterHuds["text"] = createNewHudElement("left", "top", 2, 10, 1, 1.5);
ZombieCounterHuds["counter"] hudRGBA(ZombieCounterHuds["DefaultColor"], 0);
ZombieCounterHuds["text"] hudRGBA(ZombieCounterHuds["DefaultColor"], 0);
level thread _THINK_ZCOUNTER(ZombieCounterHuds);
level thread zombie_counter_flip_flop(); //Added by CT8918. This is what allows the user to turn the counter on or off.
function _THINK_ZCOUNTER(hudArray)
level endon("end_game");
level waittill("start_of_round");
level _ROUND_COUNTER(hudArray);
hudArray["counter"] SetValue(0);
hudArray["text"] thread hudMoveTo((2, 10, 0), 4);
hudArray["counter"] thread hudRGBA(hudArray["DefaultColor"], 0, 1);
//Added by CT8918. Only displays "End of round" if zombie counter is on.
if(level.run_zombie_counter == true)
hudArray["text"] SetText("End of round"); hudArray["text"] thread hudRGBA(hudArray["DefaultColor"], 0, 3);
//Added by CT8918. Function that allows user input to flip counter on and off.
function zombie_counter_flip_flop()
zombie_counter_off = true;
toggle_zombie_counter = GetEnt("toggle_zombie_counter", "targetname");
toggle_zombie_counter SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
level.run_zombie_counter = false;
if(zombie_counter_off == true)
toggle_zombie_counter SetHintString("^7Press ^3&&1 ^7to turn ^2on ^7the zombie counter."); //Added by CT8918
toggle_zombie_counter waittill("trigger", player); //Added by CT8918
zombie_counter_off = false;
level.run_zombie_counter = true;
toggle_zombie_counter SetHintString("^7Press ^3&&1 ^7to turn ^2off ^7the zombie counter."); //Added by CT8918
toggle_zombie_counter waittill("trigger", player); //Added by CT8918
zombie_counter_off = true;
level.run_zombie_counter = false;
function _ROUND_COUNTER(hudArray)
level endon("end_of_round");
lastCount = 0;
numberToString = "";
hudArray["counter"] thread hudRGBA(hudArray["DefaultColor"], 1.0, 1);
hudArray["text"] thread hudRGBA(hudArray["DefaultColor"], 1.0, 1);
if(level flag::get("dog_round"))
hudArray["text"] SetText(hudArray["DogText"]);
zm_count = (zombie_utility::get_current_zombie_count() + level.zombie_total);
if(hudArray["DisplayType"] == 1) zm_count = zombie_utility::get_current_zombie_count();
if(zm_count == 0) {wait(1); continue;}
//If / else if statements added by CT8918. Allows the distinction between on and off.
if(level.run_zombie_counter == true)
hudArray["counter"] thread hudRGBA(hudArray["DefaultColor"], 1.0, 1);
hudArray["counter"].fontscale = 1.5;
hudArray["text"] SetText(hudArray["ZombieText"]);
hudArray["counter"] SetValue(zm_count);
if(lastCount != zm_count && level.run_zombie_counter == true)
lastCount = zm_count;
numberToString = "" + zm_count;
hudArray["text"] thread hudMoveTo((10 + (4 * numberToString.Size), 10, 0), 4);
if(zm_count == 1 && !level flag::get("dog_round")) hudArray["text"] SetText(hudArray["LastZombieText"]);
else if(zm_count == 1 && level flag::get("dog_round")) hudArray["text"] SetText(hudArray["LastDogText"]);
hudArray["counter"].color = hudArray["HighlightColor"]; hudArray["counter"].fontscale = (hudArray["FontScale"] + 0.5);
hudArray["text"].color = hudArray["HighlightColor"]; hudArray["text"].fontscale = (hudArray["FontScale"] + 0.5);
hudArray["counter"] thread hudRGBA(hudArray["DefaultColor"], 1, 0.5); hudArray["counter"] thread hudFontScale(hudArray["FontScale"], 0.5);
hudArray["text"] thread hudRGBA(hudArray["DefaultColor"], 1, 0.5); hudArray["text"] thread hudFontScale(hudArray["FontScale"], 0.5);
else if (level.run_zombie_counter == false)
hudArray["counter"] thread hudRGBA(hudArray["DefaultColor"], 0, 1); //Added by CT8918. Hides the counter number.
hudArray["text"] SetText(hudArray["NoText"]); //Added by CT8918. Hides the counter text.
function createNewHudElement(xAlign, yAlign, posX, posY, foreground, fontScale)
hud = newHudElem();
hud.horzAlign = xAlign; hud.alignX = xAlign;
hud.vertAlign = yAlign; hug.alignY = yAlign;
hud.x = posX; hud.y = posY;
hud.foreground = foreground;
hud.fontscale = fontScale;
return hud;
function hudRGBA(newColor, newAlpha, fadeTime)
self FadeOverTime(fadeTime);
self.color = newColor;
self.alpha = newAlpha;
function hudFontScale(newScale, fadeTime)
self ChangeFontScaleOverTime(fadeTime);
self.fontscale = newScale;
function hudMoveTo(posVector, fadeTime) // Just because MoveOverTime doesn't always work as wanted
initTime = GetTime();
hudX = self.x;
hudY = self.y;
hudVector = (hudX, hudY, 0);
while(hudVector != posVector)
time = GetTime();
hudVector = VectorLerp(hudVector, posVector, (time - initTime) / (fadeTime * 1000));
self.x = hudVector[0];
self.y = hudVector[1];
Feel free to ask any questions regarding the installation and any other modifications you may like.
Reply By: Ping998
Nice tutorial but your Test Footage doesn't link to the correct page. Sorry :/
Reply By: CT8918
Nice tutorial but your Test Footage doesn't link to the correct page. Sorry :/
Reply By: Fil he Modder
i'm constantly getting an error saying that 'undefined is not a field object line 353, and the line is hud.vertAlign = yAlign; hug.alignY = yAlign;
please help :/
Reply By: mathfag
Fil he Modder
i'm constantly getting an error saying that 'undefined is not a field object line 353, and the line is hud.vertAlign = yAlign; hug.alignY = yAlign; please help :/
hug.alignY --> hud.alignY
Reply By: Fil he Modder
aren't i retarded?! xDDD