Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Thread By: Zombeast250
moving this help request from another topic
so i am using uptowns shadows of evil teleporters edited help by abnormal and they work great only i have to teleport zombies to a destination close to the player i am using this script but the zombies wont respawn at the struct after i teleport
i get no errors
i have:
function player_teleporter_init()
player_tp = GetEntArray( "teleport_player", "targetname" );
for( i = 0; i < player_tp.size; i++ )
player_tp[i] thread player_teleport();
function player_teleport()
destination = GetEnt(, "targetname" );
self waittill( "trigger", player );
player SetOrigin( destination.origin );
player SetPlayerAngles( destination.angles );
PlaySoundAtPosition( "beast_teleplayer1", player.origin ); // sound made when teleporting
zombies = GetAiSpeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
zombie_destinations = struct::get_array("zombie_destination","targetname");
for(i=0;i<zombies.size;i++) {="" rand="RandomIntRange(" 0,="" zombie_destinations.size="" );="" zombies[i]="" setorigin(="" zombie_destinations[rand].origin="" );="" zombies[i]="" setplayerangles(="" zombie_destinations[rand].angles="" );="" wait(0.25);="" time="" between="" zombie="" teleportation.="" don't="" put="" 0,="" as="" i'm="" worried="" it="" could="" cause="" errors.="" }="" }=""></zombies.size;i++)>
Reply By: Abnormal202
Are you saying it doesn't teleport the zombies when it does this?
Reply By: Zombeast250
Are you saying it doesn't teleport the zombies when it does this?
Reply By: Abnormal202
Sorry If that ain't working I don't know what to do. I'm not even sure you would want that to work though; cause if it's a shadows of evil style teleporter players could easily take advantage of it teleporting the zombies everytime they enter it. You could check out this tutorial, only problem is it only works if the zombies have a theoretical path to the players.
Reply By: Zombeast250
so this style teleporter would work for me as the zombies teleport into a room beside the player teleport room so they would have to face them after they teleport and fight them to get out of the room they teleport to i am going to delete the other 2 teleporters an try again with 1
if you are unable to think of anything else that would make this work then thank you for all the help Abnormal202 on this subject and others