Modme Forums

Continuous spawning using trigger

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Thread By: easyskanka
Hi Guys

is there anyway i could start timed game play by hitting a trigger? Here is the script im using, if anyone has any ideas that would be rad

Concept is, teleport into room, as soon as you are in that certain room you have endless zombies :)_

#using scripts\shared\flag_shared;

#using scripts\zm\_zm_audio;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_utility;

#using scripts\shared\ai\zombie_death;
#using scripts\shared\ai\zombie_utility;

#insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh;

//default round_wait func but without a check for zero zombies alive, which allows for continuous spawning
function round_wait_override()
	level endon("restart_round");
	level endon( "kill_round" );

	wait( 1 );

	while( 1 )
		should_wait = ( level.zombie_total > 0 || level.intermission );	
		if( !should_wait )
		if( level flag::get( "end_round_wait" ) )
		wait( 1.0 );

function autoexec timed_gameplay() //If you want to call this yourself based on some user input or whatever, remove 'autoexec' and call this function externally from somewhere else.
	level.round_wait_func = &round_wait_override; //this has to happen before zm::round_start() runs!
	level.custom_game_over_hud_elem = &timed_game_over;

	wait 0.5; 

	level.next_dog_round = 9999; //cheap way to disable dogs after zm_usermap::main() runs.
	level.zombie_vars["zombie_between_round_time"] = 0; //remove the delay at the end of each round 
	level.zombie_round_start_delay = 0; //remove the delay before zombies start to spawn

	level.ugxm_settings = [];
	if(isDefined(level.tgTimer)) level.tgTimer Destroy();
	level.tgTimer = NewHudElem();

	level.isTimedGameplay = true;

		level.ugxm_settings["timed_hud_offset"] = 0;

	level.tgTimerTime = SpawnStruct();

	level.tgTimerTime.days = 0;
	level.tgTimerTime.hours = 0;
	level.tgTimerTime.minutes = 0;
	level.tgTimerTime.seconds = 0;
	level.tgTimerTime.toalSec = 0;
	level.tgTimer.foreground = false; 
	level.tgTimer.sort = 2; 
	level.tgTimer.hidewheninmenu = false; 

	level.tgTimer.fontScale = 1;
	level.tgTimer.alignX = "left"; 
	level.tgTimer.alignY = "bottom";
	level.tgTimer.horzAlign = "left";  
	level.tgTimer.vertAlign = "bottom";
	level.tgTimer.x = 60; 
	level.tgTimer.y = - 65 + level.ugxm_settings["timed_hud_offset"]; 
	level.tgTimer.alpha = 0;

	level flag::wait_till("initial_blackscreen_passed");
	level.tgTimer SetTimerUp(0);
	thread timed_gameplay_bg_counter();
	level.tgTimer.alpha = 1;
function timed_gameplay_bg_counter()
	level endon("end_game");
		if(level.tgTimerTime.seconds >= 59) 
			level.tgTimerTime.seconds = 0;
			level.tgTimerTime.minutes ++;
		if(level.tgTimerTime.minutes >= 59) 
			level.tgTimerTime.minutes = 0;
			level.tgTimerTime.hours ++;
		if(level.tgTimerTime.hours >= 23)
			level.tgTimerTime.hours = 0;
			level.tgTimerTime.days ++;
		level.tgTimerTime.seconds ++;
		level.tgTimerTime.toalSec ++;

		wait 1;


function timed_game_over(player, game_over, survived)
	level.tgTimer Destroy();

	new_survived = NewClientHudElem( player );

	game_over.alignX = "center";
	game_over.alignY = "middle";
	game_over.horzAlign = "center";
	game_over.vertAlign = "middle";
	game_over.y -= 130;
	game_over.foreground = true;
	game_over.fontScale = 3;
	game_over.alpha = 0;
	game_over.color = ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
	game_over.hidewheninmenu = true;
	game_over SetText( "Game Over!" );

	game_over FadeOverTime( 1 );
	game_over.alpha = 1;
	if ( player isSplitScreen() )
		game_over.fontScale = 2;
		game_over.y += 40;

	secondsTxt = "";
	minsTxt = "";
	hoursTxt = "";
	daysTxt = "";
	if(level.tgTimerTime.seconds > 0)
		secondsTxt = level.tgTimerTime.seconds + "s ";
	if(level.tgTimerTime.minutes > 0)
		minsTxt = level.tgTimerTime.minutes + "m ";
	if(level.tgTimerTime.hours > 0)
		hoursTxt = level.tgTimerTime.hours + "h ";
	if(level.tgTimerTime.days > 0)
		daysTxt = level.tgTimerTime.days + "d ";
	if(daysTxt + hoursTxt + minsTxt + secondsTxt == "")
		secondsTxt = "0s";

	new_survived.alignX = "center";
	new_survived.alignY = "middle";
	new_survived.horzAlign = "center";
	new_survived.vertAlign = "middle";
	new_survived.y -= 100;
	new_survived.foreground = true;
	new_survived.fontScale = 2;
	new_survived.alpha = 0;
	new_survived.color = ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
	new_survived.hidewheninmenu = true;
	if ( player isSplitScreen() )
		new_survived.fontScale = 1.5;
		new_survived.y += 40;

	survived.y -= 999; //Hide the one we don't want, shame on Treyarch for not allowing a clean override.
	new_survived setText("You survived " + daysTxt + hoursTxt + minsTxt + secondsTxt);
	new_survived FadeOverTime(1);
	new_survived.alpha = 1;

	thread destory_game_over_hud(new_survived);

function destory_game_over_hud(hud)
	wait( level.zombie_vars["zombie_intermission_time"] );
	hud Destroy();


Reply By: Abnormal202
you could just thread a while function that spawns them forever:

function infinite_spawning( time )
        spawner = GetEnt("YOUR_SPAWNER","targetname");
	level endon("intermission");
		zombie = zombie_utility::spawn_zombie( spawner );