Zombie Death
Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
ModmeBot :
Thread By: alexisloic21 Hello I have come here to ask for help, I have create a script that normally when a zombie die near my object it puts a message but when it dies there is no msg Script :
function debug_iprintlnbold ( string )
iprintlnbold ( "^Debug:^7 " + string );
function dragon_init ()
level . Head = [];
level . distance = 200 ;
level . zombie_to_eat = 15 ;
function Check ( system )
self endon ( "death" );
level . Head [ system ] -- ;
if ( level . Head [ system ] & lt ; = 0 )
thread RewardAllHead ( system );
function RewardAllHead ( system )
level notify ( system + "_Finish" );
function dragonhead ( system )
self endon ( "disconnect" );
Head = GetEntArray ( system , "targetname" );
level . Head [ system ] = Head . size ;
thread Check ( system );
while ( 1 )
level endon ( "Finish" );
zombies = GetAISpeciesArray ( "axis" , "all" );
for ( i = 0 ; i & lt ; zombies . size ; i ++ ) { = "" if ( isdefined ( zombies [ i ] . dragonhead )) = "" { = "" continue ; = "" } = "" else = "" { = "" zombies [ i ] = "" thread = "" zombiekill (); = "" } = "" } = "" wait ( .05 ); = "" } = "" } = "" function = "" zombiekill () = "" { = "" level = "" endon ( "finish" ); = "" if ( isdefined ( self )) = "" { = "" self . dragonhead = "true" ; = "" } else = "" { = "" return ; = "" } = "" self = "" waittill ( "death" ); = "" start = "self.origin+(0,0,60);" if ( ! isdefined ( start )) = "" { = "" return ; = "" } = "" head = "[];" keys = "GetArrayKeys(level.Head);" foreach ( ame = "" in = "" keys ) = "" { = "" head = "ArrayCombine(Head" , = "" getentarray ( ame , "targetname" ), false , false ); = "" } = "" distancebg = "level.distance;" cgs = "undefined;" foreach ( gs = "" in = "" head = "" ) = "" { = "" & gt ; & lt ; / zombies . size ; i ++ ) & gt ;