Game Asset Reversing | Releases
Elemental Bows from Der Eisendrache
Mostly dumped with Scobalula's Hydra but also did some manual work. Mostly sound.
Also I noted the bow mod on the workshop has missing sounds
"Type" : "ALIAS",
"Name" : "elemental_bow_new",
"Filename" : "elemental_bow_new.csv",
"Specs" : [ ]
GSC and CSC:
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_elemental_bow;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_elemental_bow_demongate;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_elemental_bow_rune_prison;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_elemental_bow_storm;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_elemental_bow_wolf_howl;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_ai_mechz;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_elemental_zombies;
#using scripts\shared\ai\mechz;
If you had my previous bows (Call of Duty Black Ops III\model_export\bows), delete the bows folder
If you have Madgaz's model pack you don't need model_export\bows\elemental_bow_models.gdt
L3akmod is required!
REQUIRES Harry's FX pack. Install FX in this pack AFTER Harry's
Download link:
V1.1 <-- this one
Reply By: Abnormal202
Can't to wait to paint some sick flames on these bows.
Maybe I'll even attach a spoiler
Reply By: gorodkroviguy
Some Extra jelly rate here
Reply By: TCM
Elemental Bows Pack contains: Wrath of the Ancients Storm bow Wolf bow Magma bow Void bow Dragon Bow quest as seen on my map "Chernobyl" Credits: Models/Maya work: ArtleckEverything else: SomeDudesFatMom a.k.a. MathfagBeta testing:-Phane-TrueGamerCalls Discalimers: Since it would make the filesize too big, I have not included the voxs for the bow/dragon. You can aquire these sounds from Der Eisendrache of my map. They are not needed for the bows to function. They just make them cooler. The dragon and Bow quest script were added as a bonus so no support is given for them on this thread although prefabs, instructions and instructions to remove them are included in the pack. If you don't do radiant work, nothing will happen. Bottom line: don't ask about them on this thread. Download: [Spoilers] Show / Hide You can use these on the condition that you don't chop-top the bow like one of those beaners, don't paint any idiotic flames on it like some white trash hillbilly, and don't put a big, gay spoiler on the rear end like you see on all the other zipperheads' bows. It just looks like hell. If you can refrain from doing any of that... it's yours." Forgot the prefabs: Known bugs: -//
Reply By: TCM
Elemental Bows Pack contains: Wrath of the Ancients Storm bow Wolf bow Magma bow Void bow Dragon Bow quest as seen on my map "Chernobyl" Credits: Models/Maya work: ArtleckEverything else: SomeDudesFatMom a.k.a. MathfagBeta testing:-Phane-TrueGamerCalls Discalimers: Since it would make the filesize too big, I have not included the voxs for the bow/dragon. You can aquire these sounds from Der Eisendrache of my map. They are not needed for the bows to function. They just make them cooler. The dragon and Bow quest script were added as a bonus so no support is given for them on this thread although prefabs, instructions and instructions to remove them are included in the pack. If you don't do radiant work, nothing will happen. Bottom line: don't ask about them on this thread. Download: [Spoilers] Show / Hide You can use these on the condition that you don't chop-top the bow like one of those beaners, don't paint any idiotic flames on it like some white trash hillbilly, and don't put a big, gay spoiler on the rear end like you see on all the other zipperheads' bows. It just looks like hell. If you can refrain from doing any of that... it's yours." Forgot the prefabs: Known bugs: -//
[L3akMod (D3V)] Error: Could not find ui/uieditor/menus/hud/t7hud_zm_custom.lua
Reply By: D-2-K
have u even installed LUI/lua located here
Reply By: TCM
have u even installed lua
Reply By: TCM
have u even installed lua
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_elemental_bow;
Reply By: TCM
I found where that was being called commented it out to see and it looks as if he didn't include a whole folder of stuff from
Reply By: D-2-K
D-2-K have u even installed lua But as you can see thats not even the error, its trying to find a file. Also in the installation guild you put this mapname.gsc/.csc: #using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_elemental_bow; When you have the files in the directory of scripts\zm\bow\_zm_weap_elemental_bow;
Check the file location for that as it should be t7hud_zm_custom.luac not .lua so it would most likely be that something in the bow scripts is looking for the older version of harrys file which was originaly a .lua but has been changed so if you're using harry's latest files yours should be t7hud_zm_custom.luac and somethings looking for the older version named t7hud_zm_custom.lua
Reply By: TCM
TCM D-2-K have u even installed lua But as you can see thats not even the error, its trying to find a file. Also in the installation guild you put this mapname.gsc/.csc: #using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_elemental_bow; When you have the files in the directory of scripts\zm\bow\_zm_weap_elemental_bow; Check the file location for that as it should be t7hud_zm_custom.luac not .lua so it would most likely be that something in the bow scripts is looking for the older version of harrys file which was originaly a .lua but has been changed so if you're using harry's latest files yours should be t7hud_zm_custom.luac and somethings looking for the older version named t7hud_zm_custom.lua
Reply By: D-2-K
D-2-K TCM D-2-K have u even installed lua But as you can see thats not even the error, its trying to find a file. Also in the installation guild you put this mapname.gsc/.csc: #using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_elemental_bow; When you have the files in the directory of scripts\zm\bow\_zm_weap_elemental_bow; Check the file location for that as it should be t7hud_zm_custom.luac not .lua so it would most likely be that something in the bow scripts is looking for the older version of harrys file which was originaly a .lua but has been changed so if you're using harry's latest files yours should be t7hud_zm_custom.luac and somethings looking for the older version named t7hud_zm_custom.lua Look at what I said above it seems as though some files with release where left out, and I use the modified DLL for harry's stuff, He doesn't actually use that file for any of his things. Its something missing with the release. Yeah then when starting if I comment those lines out it gives error linking mapname, It breaks the map completely.
Reply By: TCM
TCM D-2-K TCM D-2-K have u even installed lua But as you can see thats not even the error, its trying to find a file. Also in the installation guild you put this mapname.gsc/.csc: #using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_elemental_bow; When you have the files in the directory of scripts\zm\bow\_zm_weap_elemental_bow; Check the file location for that as it should be t7hud_zm_custom.luac not .lua so it would most likely be that something in the bow scripts is looking for the older version of harrys file which was originaly a .lua but has been changed so if you're using harry's latest files yours should be t7hud_zm_custom.luac and somethings looking for the older version named t7hud_zm_custom.lua Look at what I said above it seems as though some files with release where left out, and I use the modified DLL for harry's stuff, He doesn't actually use that file for any of his things. Its something missing with the release. Yeah then when starting if I comment those lines out it gives error linking mapname, It breaks the map completely. the file is not in widgets its here F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\ui\uieditor\menus\hud yours should be called t7hud_zm_custom.luac and its looking for ui/uieditor/menus/hud/t7hud_zm_custom.lua
Reply By: D-2-K
D-2-K TCM D-2-K TCM D-2-K have u even installed lua But as you can see thats not even the error, its trying to find a file. Also in the installation guild you put this mapname.gsc/.csc: #using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_elemental_bow; When you have the files in the directory of scripts\zm\bow\_zm_weap_elemental_bow; Check the file location for that as it should be t7hud_zm_custom.luac not .lua so it would most likely be that something in the bow scripts is looking for the older version of harrys file which was originaly a .lua but has been changed so if you're using harry's latest files yours should be t7hud_zm_custom.luac and somethings looking for the older version named t7hud_zm_custom.lua Look at what I said above it seems as though some files with release where left out, and I use the modified DLL for harry's stuff, He doesn't actually use that file for any of his things. Its something missing with the release. Yeah then when starting if I comment those lines out it gives error linking mapname, It breaks the map completely. the file is not in widgets its here F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\ui\uieditor\menus\hud yours should be called t7hud_zm_custom.luac and its looking for ui/uieditor/menus/hud/t7hud_zm_custom.lua Yes I understand that but he also references more files which are not there as well such as these rawfile,ui/uieditor/widgets/zminventory/BowStormWidget.lua rawfile,ui/uieditor/widgets/zminventory/BowWolfWidget.lua rawfile,ui/uieditor/widgets/zminventory/BowMagmaWidget.lua rawfile,ui/uieditor/widgets/zminventory/BowVoidWidget.lua
Reply By: TCM
TCM D-2-K TCM D-2-K TCM D-2-K have u even installed lua But as you can see thats not even the error, its trying to find a file. Also in the installation guild you put this mapname.gsc/.csc: #using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_elemental_bow; When you have the files in the directory of scripts\zm\bow\_zm_weap_elemental_bow; Check the file location for that as it should be t7hud_zm_custom.luac not .lua so it would most likely be that something in the bow scripts is looking for the older version of harrys file which was originaly a .lua but has been changed so if you're using harry's latest files yours should be t7hud_zm_custom.luac and somethings looking for the older version named t7hud_zm_custom.lua Look at what I said above it seems as though some files with release where left out, and I use the modified DLL for harry's stuff, He doesn't actually use that file for any of his things. Its something missing with the release. Yeah then when starting if I comment those lines out it gives error linking mapname, It breaks the map completely. the file is not in widgets its here F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\ui\uieditor\menus\hud yours should be called t7hud_zm_custom.luac and its looking for ui/uieditor/menus/hud/t7hud_zm_custom.lua Yes I understand that but he also references more files which are not there as well such as these rawfile,ui/uieditor/widgets/zminventory/BowStormWidget.lua rawfile,ui/uieditor/widgets/zminventory/BowWolfWidget.lua rawfile,ui/uieditor/widgets/zminventory/BowMagmaWidget.lua rawfile,ui/uieditor/widgets/zminventory/BowVoidWidget.lua well those are on him if there missing im just pointing out your original error that somethings looking for the older version of harry's file that is no longer a lua its now luac
Reply By: D-2-K
change it to luac instead of lua let me know what happens
Reply By: TCM
change it to luac instead of lua let me know what happens
Reply By: D-2-K
D-2-K change it to luac instead of lua let me know what happens That is what I am saying, The addon breaks everything in the map because its looking for multiple LUA files he added so as soon as I change it sure it gets past that point, But then it just says missing the next lua file that was not included.
Reply By: Harry Bo21
its only trying to include the lua files he missed in your zone
the fact they are missing wont break anything, because nothing is actually trying to "use" them
the missing lua of mine - which indeed should be .luac not .lua - "will" be breaking shit however, coz the games actually trying to "use" it
Reply By: TCM
Harry Bo21
its only trying to include the lua files he missed in your zone the fact they are missing wont break anything, because nothing is actually trying to "use" them the missing lua of mine - which indeed should be .luac not .lua - "will" be breaking shit however, coz the games actually trying to "use" it
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Harry Bo21 its only trying to include the lua files he missed in your zone the fact they are missing wont break anything, because nothing is actually trying to "use" them the missing lua of mine - which indeed should be .luac not .lua - "will" be breaking shit however, coz the games actually trying to "use" it Yeah at this point just waiting for him to get back on and see what is going on.
[L3akMod (D3V)] Error: Could not find ui/uieditor/menus/hud/t7hud_zm_custom.lua
Reply By: TCM
Harry Bo21
TCM Harry Bo21 its only trying to include the lua files he missed in your zone the fact they are missing wont break anything, because nothing is actually trying to "use" them the missing lua of mine - which indeed should be .luac not .lua - "will" be breaking shit however, coz the games actually trying to "use" it Yeah at this point just waiting for him to get back on and see what is going on. i literally just told you - its not HIS files at fault, you have a mistake in MINE [L3akMod (D3V)] Error: Could not find ui/uieditor/menus/hud/t7hud_zm_custom.lua
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Harry Bo21 TCM Harry Bo21 its only trying to include the lua files he missed in your zone the fact they are missing wont break anything, because nothing is actually trying to "use" them the missing lua of mine - which indeed should be .luac not .lua - "will" be breaking shit however, coz the games actually trying to "use" it Yeah at this point just waiting for him to get back on and see what is going on. i literally just told you - its not HIS files at fault, you have a mistake in MINE [L3akMod (D3V)] Error: Could not find ui/uieditor/menus/hud/t7hud_zm_custom.lua Yes as I posted previously though, If I change it to load the lua like luac it goes past that and then can't find more stuff on his end, and if I comment THOSE lines out then it gives an error loading the map.
Reply By: TCM
Harry Bo21
TCM Harry Bo21 TCM Harry Bo21 its only trying to include the lua files he missed in your zone the fact they are missing wont break anything, because nothing is actually trying to "use" them the missing lua of mine - which indeed should be .luac not .lua - "will" be breaking shit however, coz the games actually trying to "use" it Yeah at this point just waiting for him to get back on and see what is going on. i literally just told you - its not HIS files at fault, you have a mistake in MINE [L3akMod (D3V)] Error: Could not find ui/uieditor/menus/hud/t7hud_zm_custom.lua Yes as I posted previously though, If I change it to load the lua like luac it goes past that and then can't find more stuff on his end, and if I comment THOSE lines out then it gives an error loading the map. what "error" the other missing lua files - would not crash the map
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Harry Bo21 TCM Harry Bo21 TCM Harry Bo21 its only trying to include the lua files he missed in your zone the fact they are missing wont break anything, because nothing is actually trying to "use" them the missing lua of mine - which indeed should be .luac not .lua - "will" be breaking shit however, coz the games actually trying to "use" it Yeah at this point just waiting for him to get back on and see what is going on. i literally just told you - its not HIS files at fault, you have a mistake in MINE [L3akMod (D3V)] Error: Could not find ui/uieditor/menus/hud/t7hud_zm_custom.lua Yes as I posted previously though, If I change it to load the lua like luac it goes past that and then can't find more stuff on his end, and if I comment THOSE lines out then it gives an error loading the map. what "error" the other missing lua files - would not crash the map It gives me an error when starting up the map saying error linking the map name.
Reply By: TCM
Harry Bo21
TCM Harry Bo21 TCM Harry Bo21 TCM Harry Bo21 its only trying to include the lua files he missed in your zone the fact they are missing wont break anything, because nothing is actually trying to "use" them the missing lua of mine - which indeed should be .luac not .lua - "will" be breaking shit however, coz the games actually trying to "use" it Yeah at this point just waiting for him to get back on and see what is going on. i literally just told you - its not HIS files at fault, you have a mistake in MINE [L3akMod (D3V)] Error: Could not find ui/uieditor/menus/hud/t7hud_zm_custom.lua Yes as I posted previously though, If I change it to load the lua like luac it goes past that and then can't find more stuff on his end, and if I comment THOSE lines out then it gives an error loading the map. what "error" the other missing lua files - would not crash the map It gives me an error when starting up the map saying error linking the map name. which means you have a missing gsc or csc not a missing lua take a picture of the error
Reply By: TCM
then more stuff comes up such as this
Reply By: Harry Bo21
you are missing a GSC
by missing i mean youve added the using line in a gsc - but its "not" be added to your zone
abd you are missing a anim tree
Reply By: TCM
Harry Bo21
you are missing a GSC by missing i mean youve added the using line in a gsc - but its "not" be added to your zone abd you are missing a anim tree
Reply By: Harry Bo21
yes hes made mistakes too, i will list them
Reply By: Harry Bo21
#using scripts\zm\bows\DE_dragon_souls;
this line needs to be removed from _zm_weap_elemental_bow GSC & CSC
function create_client_lui( localClientNum )
hud = CreateLUIMenu( localClientNum, "t7hud_zm_custom" );
OpenLUIMenu( localClientNum, hud );
this entire function is unneccesary - it shouldnt be called at all
callback::on_localclient_connect( &create_client_lui ); //Will run a function when a player connects..
^ comment this out of
^ that is all thats needed to change the hud to the custom LUA instead of default
The other is completely redundant code that clearly came from ARDIVEE's now out of date hacky way to load the DE HUD. the tutorial was written before we had L3AKmod
youve also missed the point in the prefixes me and treyarch use
str - as in "value is a string" - youre passing a weapon...
This file is missing completely
The download is only that large because youve not only included the maya files - which they have no need for - but youve also included just about every model, anim and texture "twice" ( in model_export and in xanim_export )
ALL of these are missing too, the top one will cause huge problems for two reasons
1 - it will conflict with mine - which he has coz of hin using my perks
2 - the file is completely missing anyway - so it will straigh up break the hud when the CSC tries to load it...
Reply By: TCM
Harry Bo21
#using scripts\zm\bows\DE_dragon_souls; this line needs to be removed from _zm_weap_elemental_bow GSC & CSC function create_client_lui( localClientNum ) { hud = CreateLUIMenu( localClientNum, "t7hud_zm_custom" ); OpenLUIMenu( localClientNum, hud ); } this entire function is unneccesary - it shouldnt be called at all callback::on_localclient_connect( &create_client_lui ); //Will run a function when a player connects.. ^ comment this out of ^ that is all thats needed to change the hud to the custom LUA instead of default The other is completely redundant code that clearly came from ARDIVEE's now out of date hacky way to load the DE HUD. the tutorial was written before we had L3AKmod
#using scripts\zm\bows\DE_dragon_souls;
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Harry Bo21 #using scripts\zm\bows\DE_dragon_souls; this line needs to be removed from _zm_weap_elemental_bow GSC & CSC function create_client_lui( localClientNum ) { hud = CreateLUIMenu( localClientNum, "t7hud_zm_custom" ); OpenLUIMenu( localClientNum, hud ); } this entire function is unneccesary - it shouldnt be called at all callback::on_localclient_connect( &create_client_lui ); //Will run a function when a player connects.. ^ comment this out of ^ that is all thats needed to change the hud to the custom LUA instead of default The other is completely redundant code that clearly came from ARDIVEE's now out of date hacky way to load the DE HUD. the tutorial was written before we had L3AKmod So add this #using scripts\zm\bows\DE_dragon_souls; Instead of the one he said to do or?
Reply By: TCM
Harry Bo21
TCM Harry Bo21 #using scripts\zm\bows\DE_dragon_souls; this line needs to be removed from _zm_weap_elemental_bow GSC & CSC function create_client_lui( localClientNum ) { hud = CreateLUIMenu( localClientNum, "t7hud_zm_custom" ); OpenLUIMenu( localClientNum, hud ); } this entire function is unneccesary - it shouldnt be called at all callback::on_localclient_connect( &create_client_lui ); //Will run a function when a player connects.. ^ comment this out of ^ that is all thats needed to change the hud to the custom LUA instead of default The other is completely redundant code that clearly came from ARDIVEE's now out of date hacky way to load the DE HUD. the tutorial was written before we had L3AKmod So add this #using scripts\zm\bows\DE_dragon_souls; Instead of the one he said to do or? what? read what i said again...
Reply By: TCM
Harry Bo21
TCM Harry Bo21 #using scripts\zm\bows\DE_dragon_souls; this line needs to be removed from _zm_weap_elemental_bow GSC & CSC function create_client_lui( localClientNum ) { hud = CreateLUIMenu( localClientNum, "t7hud_zm_custom" ); OpenLUIMenu( localClientNum, hud ); } this entire function is unneccesary - it shouldnt be called at all callback::on_localclient_connect( &create_client_lui ); //Will run a function when a player connects.. ^ comment this out of ^ that is all thats needed to change the hud to the custom LUA instead of default The other is completely redundant code that clearly came from ARDIVEE's now out of date hacky way to load the DE HUD. the tutorial was written before we had L3AKmod So add this #using scripts\zm\bows\DE_dragon_souls; Instead of the one he said to do or? what? read what i said again...
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Harry Bo21 TCM Harry Bo21 #using scripts\zm\bows\DE_dragon_souls; this line needs to be removed from _zm_weap_elemental_bow GSC & CSC function create_client_lui( localClientNum ) { hud = CreateLUIMenu( localClientNum, "t7hud_zm_custom" ); OpenLUIMenu( localClientNum, hud ); } this entire function is unneccesary - it shouldnt be called at all callback::on_localclient_connect( &create_client_lui ); //Will run a function when a player connects.. ^ comment this out of ^ that is all thats needed to change the hud to the custom LUA instead of default The other is completely redundant code that clearly came from ARDIVEE's now out of date hacky way to load the DE HUD. the tutorial was written before we had L3AKmod So add this #using scripts\zm\bows\DE_dragon_souls; Instead of the one he said to do or? what? read what i said again... Did what was said there and still get the same link error when starting.
Reply By: TCM
Harry Bo21
TCM Harry Bo21 TCM Harry Bo21 #using scripts\zm\bows\DE_dragon_souls; this line needs to be removed from _zm_weap_elemental_bow GSC & CSC function create_client_lui( localClientNum ) { hud = CreateLUIMenu( localClientNum, "t7hud_zm_custom" ); OpenLUIMenu( localClientNum, hud ); } this entire function is unneccesary - it shouldnt be called at all callback::on_localclient_connect( &create_client_lui ); //Will run a function when a player connects.. ^ comment this out of ^ that is all thats needed to change the hud to the custom LUA instead of default The other is completely redundant code that clearly came from ARDIVEE's now out of date hacky way to load the DE HUD. the tutorial was written before we had L3AKmod So add this #using scripts\zm\bows\DE_dragon_souls; Instead of the one he said to do or? what? read what i said again... Did what was said there and still get the same link error when starting. fuck knows, but i wouldnt bother trying to use this anyway its a complete wreck and will conflict with my stuff which i know you are using anyway he needs to fix the list of crap i put above, i havent even checked the rest of the code so dunno if theres any other issues... the 4 that are missing - do not matter like i said the 5th - is named the exact same as mine, so the confusion was obvious
Reply By: Harry Bo21
i just checked half the other scripting and theres a metric TONN of other issues too
can be as "cool" as whatever, but using it in this state is a garunteed way to just fuck up your day
OP - you need to fix what i listed and frankly a ton more
if you checked this in developer no joke, youd pop about 100 errors
code like this potentially actually heals the zombie and even pushes its health OVER its current max in early rounds lol
Reply By: mathfag
Harry Bo21
i just checked half the other scripting and theres a metric TONN of other issues too can be as "cool" as whatever, but using it in this state is a garunteed way to just fuck up your day OP - you need to fix what i listed and frankly a ton moreif you checked this in developer no joke, youd pop about 100 errors code like this potentially actually heals the zombie and even pushes its health OVER its current max in early rounds lol
Reply By: Harry Bo21
Harry Bo21 i just checked half the other scripting and theres a metric TONN of other issues too can be as "cool" as whatever, but using it in this state is a garunteed way to just fuck up your day OP - you need to fix what i listed and frankly a ton moreif you checked this in developer no joke, youd pop about 100 errors code like this potentially actually heals the zombie and even pushes its health OVER its current max in early rounds lol Note how that is in a DoDamage() function. It gets 1/3 of the zombies health, adds 500 pts and deals it to the zombie
f_damage_to_apply = 3 / 2; // is 1.5 - this is bad
n_damage_to_apply = int( 3 / 2 ); // will return the rounded number, prob 3 in this case - good // bad, its a running calculation
( ( / 3 ) + 500 ) // correct version
n_damage_to_apply = int( ( / 3 ) + 500 );
Reply By: TCM
The idea and concept is great, Never give up on an idea.
Reply By: TCM
Ripped the sounds from your map as you said, Still hear nothing though.
"D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\sound\snd_convert.exe" pc usermaps\zm_trop usermaps\zm_trop zone_source usermaps\zm_trop english zm_trop
ERROR: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\sound\aliases\elemental_bow.csv
ERROR: 'vox_plr_2_dragon_generic_0' Line Number: 346
ERROR: Parse error in column 'VolumeGroup'. Value 'grp_voic' is not valid. grp_air,grp_alerts,grp_ambience,grp_announcer,grp_bink,grp_destructible,grp_explosion,grp_foley,grp_hdrfx,grp_igc,grp_impacts,grp_lfe,grp_master,grp_menu,grp_mp_game,grp_music,grp_physics,grp_player_foley,grp_player_impacts,grp_reference,grp_scripted_moment,grp_set_piece,grp_vehicle,grp_voice,grp_weapon,grp_weapon_3p,grp_weapon_decay_3p,grp_whizby,grp_wpn_lfe.
Here is a fixed CSV file as that one had a miss-spelling as well as nearly a whole section/line missing
Reply By: TCM
Ripped the sounds from your map as you said, Still hear nothing though. "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\sound\snd_convert.exe" pc usermaps\zm_trop usermaps\zm_trop zone_source usermaps\zm_trop english zm_trop ERROR: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\sound\aliases\elemental_bow.csv ERROR: 'vox_plr_2_dragon_generic_0' Line Number: 346 ERROR: Parse error in column 'VolumeGroup'. Value 'grp_voic' is not valid. grp_air,grp_alerts,grp_ambience,grp_announcer,grp_bink,grp_destructible,grp_explosion,grp_foley,grp_hdrfx,grp_igc,grp_impacts,grp_lfe,grp_master,grp_menu,grp_mp_game,grp_music,grp_physics,grp_player_foley,grp_player_impacts,grp_reference,grp_scripted_moment,grp_set_piece,grp_vehicle,grp_voice,grp_weapon,grp_weapon_3p,grp_weapon_decay_3p,grp_whizby,grp_wpn_lfe. Here is a fixed CSV file as that one had a miss-spelling as well as nearly a whole section/line missing
Reply By: mathfag
Ripped the sounds from your map as you said, Still hear nothing though. "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\sound\snd_convert.exe" pc usermaps\zm_trop usermaps\zm_trop zone_source usermaps\zm_trop english zm_trop ERROR: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\sound\aliases\elemental_bow.csv ERROR: 'vox_plr_2_dragon_generic_0' Line Number: 346 ERROR: Parse error in column 'VolumeGroup'. Value 'grp_voic' is not valid. grp_air,grp_alerts,grp_ambience,grp_announcer,grp_bink,grp_destructible,grp_explosion,grp_foley,grp_hdrfx,grp_igc,grp_impacts,grp_lfe,grp_master,grp_menu,grp_mp_game,grp_music,grp_physics,grp_player_foley,grp_player_impacts,grp_reference,grp_scripted_moment,grp_set_piece,grp_vehicle,grp_voice,grp_weapon,grp_weapon_3p,grp_weapon_decay_3p,grp_whizby,grp_wpn_lfe. Here is a fixed CSV file as that one had a miss-spelling as well as nearly a whole section/line missing
Reply By: TCM
TCM Ripped the sounds from your map as you said, Still hear nothing though. "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\sound\snd_convert.exe" pc usermaps\zm_trop usermaps\zm_trop zone_source usermaps\zm_trop english zm_trop ERROR: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\sound\aliases\elemental_bow.csv ERROR: 'vox_plr_2_dragon_generic_0' Line Number: 346 ERROR: Parse error in column 'VolumeGroup'. Value 'grp_voic' is not valid. grp_air,grp_alerts,grp_ambience,grp_announcer,grp_bink,grp_destructible,grp_explosion,grp_foley,grp_hdrfx,grp_igc,grp_impacts,grp_lfe,grp_master,grp_menu,grp_mp_game,grp_music,grp_physics,grp_player_foley,grp_player_impacts,grp_reference,grp_scripted_moment,grp_set_piece,grp_vehicle,grp_voice,grp_weapon,grp_weapon_3p,grp_weapon_decay_3p,grp_whizby,grp_wpn_lfe. Here is a fixed CSV file as that one had a miss-spelling as well as nearly a whole section/line missing Corrupt download.
Reply By: mathfag
mathfag TCM Ripped the sounds from your map as you said, Still hear nothing though. "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\sound\snd_convert.exe" pc usermaps\zm_trop usermaps\zm_trop zone_source usermaps\zm_trop english zm_trop ERROR: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\sound\aliases\elemental_bow.csv ERROR: 'vox_plr_2_dragon_generic_0' Line Number: 346 ERROR: Parse error in column 'VolumeGroup'. Value 'grp_voic' is not valid. grp_air,grp_alerts,grp_ambience,grp_announcer,grp_bink,grp_destructible,grp_explosion,grp_foley,grp_hdrfx,grp_igc,grp_impacts,grp_lfe,grp_master,grp_menu,grp_mp_game,grp_music,grp_physics,grp_player_foley,grp_player_impacts,grp_reference,grp_scripted_moment,grp_set_piece,grp_vehicle,grp_voice,grp_weapon,grp_weapon_3p,grp_weapon_decay_3p,grp_whizby,grp_wpn_lfe. Here is a fixed CSV file as that one had a miss-spelling as well as nearly a whole section/line missing Corrupt download. How is the download corrupt, The other ones show the textures just not those 2 and its only the arrows.
Reply By: Stonermagoo420
Never could even find the snd file in wraith
so should I just think its a corrupted download?
Reply By: mathfag
I'll add the vox sound files in the download tomorrow...
Until then consider searching for "chernobyl".
Reply By: Stonermagoo420
okay will keep looking for chernobyl couldnt find it either in files and yea i dont think zm_castle.sabs is anywhere ive only found zm_tinycastle.sabs in 311210
Reply By: mathfag
okay will keep looking for chernobyl couldnt find it either in files and yea i dont think zm_castle.sabs is anywhere ive only found zm_tinycastle.sabs in 311210
Reply By: TCM
Seems to be missing
and the rocks from the other
some texture missing, I downloaded ur map still couldn't find them.
Reply By: TCM
These are what I have found to be missing
Reply By: TCM
I was able to do my own model for it and find the textures through ur map.
Reply By: mathfag
I was able to do my own model for it and find the textures through ur map.
Reply By: TCM
TCM I was able to do my own model for it and find the textures through ur map. For the others: -The model will be added in the next update when there is something big to update. In the mean time the model name is "c_zom_chomper_demongate" -The textures should all be there since the texture folder is shared and all the materials/textures/weapons are in the same gdt
Reply By: Dedrix
Hey so I'm aware this post is a bit old however I've just installed the mod, and it seems although whenever I equip the Bow or start feeding the dragons my map freezes then crashes a few seconds later. It's almost as if when it needs to play an animation it breaks. I'm not quite sure what has gone wrong so any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
Reply By: mathfag
Hey so I'm aware this post is a bit old however I've just installed the mod, and it seems although whenever I equip the Bow or start feeding the dragons my map freezes then crashes a few seconds later. It's almost as if when it needs to play an animation it breaks. I'm not quite sure what has gone wrong so any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
Reply By: brack5501
^1#using from
^1ERR(0) scripts/zm/zm_arcos.gsc (56,11) : syntax error, unexpected TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, expecting TOKEN_FILENAME : #using from
Help me pleace :(
When I launch my map and I give me the bow, it crash :(
When I launch my map and I give me the bow, it crash :(
make a new map and reinstall the bow and follow the instructions better
Justin Emerald:
I will download this but i don't wanna get sue.
First page
Justin Emerald:
Where exactly do need to put each code at? Thanks (For Example: Do we put under #using scripts\zm\zm_usermap; ?)
Hey [USER=64]@Spiki[/USER] first of all this is awesome!
Second, I've a little problem. I install them and didn't have any error, but I don't know how to get it from the console. I already try some names but nothing give the bows.
I use this ones and something like "zm_castle_bow_base" and "wpn_bow_base" but I don't know if I'm doing wrong or there's something I'm missing.
I've L3akmod cuz I'm using Harry's perks
Hey [USER=64]@Spiki[/USER] first of all this is awesome!
Second, I've a little problem. I install them and didn't have any error, but I don't know how to get it from the console. I already try some names but nothing give the bows.
I use this ones and something like "zm_castle_bow_base" and "wpn_bow_base" but I don't know if I'm doing wrong or there's something I'm missing.
I've L3akmod cuz I'm using Harry's perks
I put the codes on the first page
[USER=64]@Spiki[/USER] hey dude, is there any way these new bows can be put into the actual map? or are they given by command only? I have disabled command for my map and would like to be able to use these.
[USER=64]@Spiki[/USER] hey dude, is there any way these new bows can be put into the actual map? or are they given by command only? I have disabled command for my map and would like to be able to use these.
Literally like any other run
So, are there prefabs I can drop in? Had a look through the folders and can't find anything unless I've overlooked it?
So what would be the best way to go about it? Sorry for all the questions.
either just give it through script like in the console
make a wallbuy (dont you dare :mad: i will kick your ass)
make a entry in your zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv and give it through the box (dont you dare :mad: i will kick your ass )
What I'm saying is: boxmaps bad
Thanks [USER=64]@Spiki[/USER] 😭
I just have one little problem. Sometimes when I shoot the charge Wolf Bow either to the zombies or not, the game crash.
But the bows are awesome, really cool design 😁
Thanks [USER=64]@Spiki[/USER] 😭
I just have one little problem. Sometimes when I shoot the charge Wolf Bow either to the zombies or not, the game crash.
But the bows are awesome, really cool design 😁
Thanks [USER=64]@Spiki[/USER] 😭
I just have one little problem. Sometimes when I shoot the charge Wolf Bow either to the zombies or not, the game crash.
But the bows are awesome, really cool design 😁
Can you give more details? Like when shot or at end or sprial?
Maybe a corrupt download. I shot that thing alot
Can you give more details? Like when shot or at end or sprial?
Maybe a corrupt download. I shot that thing alot
goto the Elemental_bow_new.zpkg file and comment out //fx,dlc1/zmb_weapon/fx_bow_wolf_impact_ug_zmb.efx let me know how you get on
[USER=64]@Spiki[/USER] update on crash no longer crashing with Harry's Fx pack installed :)
I am aware these dont work with harrys mechz. his file is decompiled, mine is compiled. Also until further notice, the guns attached to the chompers (void bow) are a feature
I am aware these dont work with harrys mechz. his file is decompiled, mine is compiled. Also until further notice, the guns attached to the chompers (void bow) are a feature
nice feature too 🤣
Let me take this time to flex on you nibbas
Btw this + harrys mechz wont happen unless he makes some major changes
you both do such great work i could only wish to be half as talented
Harry Bo21:
Until someone tells me what the problem even is that’s unlikely
Update 1.1
-Removed guns from chompers (void bow)
-Added hintstrings for ENGLISH builds. International nibbas can get chomped
-Made them compatible with my mechz just to flex on y'all cuz you still cant use them with harrys and I'll never tell you whats wrong so you'll cry although it's really not that hard to fix
First page
Download this if you want to improve your zom slaying or just grow some balls
Update 1.1
-Removed guns from chompers (void bow)
-Added hintstrings for ENGLISH builds. International nibbas can get chomped
-Made them compatible with my mechz just to flex on y'all cuz you still cant use them with harrys and I'll never tell you whats wrong so you'll cry although it's really not that hard to fix
First page
Download this if you want to improve your zom slaying or just grow some balls
for that cheek im making a 1 window box map and players can buy the bow as a wall weapon 🤣 🤣
[USER=64]@Spiki[/USER] where am I supposed to get Harry's FX pack? It appears that the download was taken down...
Harry Bo21:
[USER=64]@Spiki[/USER] where am I supposed to get Harry's FX pack? It appears that the download was taken down...
Look at any of my posts and it’s in there lol
Well done, worked perfectly :)
HI, why have this error ?
(have this error with all script *.gscc and *.cscc
HI, why have this error ?
(have this error with all script *.gscc and *.cscc
did you install leakmod
How would I go about making an area to grab the Wraith of the Ancients just like Der Eisendrache after filling up the dragons? And how would I go about doing the upgrade quests too? Also I can't find Harry's FX Pack anywhere, do you happen to have a working link to it?
Does anyone know how to fix this. I have been having trouble trying to fix this. If anyone could help me out it would be really appreciative.
Does anyone know how to fix this. I have been having trouble trying to fix this. If anyone could help me out it would be really appreciative.
Harry Bo21:
A few fx materials have the wrong columns/rows set
This was fixed in a later release, you’ll have to find the image and materials
I was never able to find Harry's fx pack, but I did download your asset pack that you had though.
I can't find the images and material for fx. All the bows do the same thing as the video